BETTER Crooked House by Agatha Christie windows without signing epub book view

BETTER Crooked House by Agatha Christie windows without signing epub book view

BETTER Crooked House by Agatha Christie windows without signing epub book view

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Book description
In the sprawling, half-timbered mansion in the affluent suburb of Swinly Dean, Aristide Leonides lies dead from barbiturate poisoning. An accident? Not likely. In fact, suspicion has already fallen on his luscious widow, a cunning beauty fifty years his junior, set to inherit a sizeable fortune, and rumored to be carrying on with a strapping young tutor comfortably ensconced in the family estate. But criminologist Charles Hayward is casting his own doubts on the innocence of the entire Leonides brood. He knows them intimately. And hes certain that in a crooked house such as Three Gables, no ones on the level...
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