BETTER CliffsComplete Kate Chopins The Awakening by Kate Chopin epub online free

BETTER CliffsComplete Kate Chopins The Awakening by Kate Chopin epub online free

BETTER CliffsComplete Kate Chopins The Awakening by Kate Chopin epub online free

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Book description
In the CliffsComplete guides, the novels complete text and a glossary appear side-by-side with coordinating numbered lines to help you understand unusual words and phrasing. Youll also find all the commentary and resources of a standard CliffsNotes for Literature.CliffsComplete The Awakening offers insight and information into a work considered scandalous when it arrived from the turn-of-the-20th-century presses. Every generation since has been able to identify with some social or thematic aspect of the novel.Discover what happens to this heroine who found her husband dull, married life dreary and confining, and motherhood to be bondage -- and save valuable studying time -- all at once. Enhance your reading of The Awakening with these additional features: A summary and insightful commentary for each chapterBibliography and historical background on the author, Kate ChopinA look at late-19th-century intellect, religion, politics, and societyCoverage of Chopins career and reaction to the novelA character map that graphically illustrates the relationships among the charactersReview questions, a quiz, discussion guide, and activity ideasA Resource Center full of books, articles, films, and Web sitesStreamline your literature study with all-in-one help from CliffsComplete guides!
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