BETTER Circles of Stone by Pamela Rushby information bookstore phone book eng

BETTER Circles of Stone by Pamela Rushby information bookstore phone book eng

BETTER Circles of Stone by Pamela Rushby information bookstore phone book eng

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Book description
two lives, 2000 years apart, linked by two stone circles. the body of a young girl is discovered in a peat bog in Scotland. Shes been preserved in the cold water for over 2000 years. Lea Green is present at the discovery. And Lea knows who the girl is. Shes Ana. Lea and Ana have met before. two girls - one the daughter of a great Celtic chieftain, the other the daughter of a hippy chick from northern New South Wales. Both reluctant possessors of a mysterious power that leaves them ostracised by those around them. two thousand years and half a world away, their lives have been linked by two identical circles of stone. Ages 12+
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