BETTER Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Vol. 1: The Crucible by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa spanish finder book tom via

BETTER Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Vol. 1: The Crucible by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa spanish finder book tom via

BETTER Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Vol. 1: The Crucible by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa spanish finder book tom via

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Book description
On the eve of her sixteenth birthday, the young sorceress Sabrina Spellman finds herself at a crossroads, having to choose between an unearthly destiny and her mortal boyfriend, Harvey. But a foe from her familys past has arrived in Greendale, Madame Satan, and she has her own deadly agenda. Archie Comics latest horror sensation starts here! For TEEN+ readers. Compiles the first six issues of the ongoing comic book series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
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