BETTER Catch of a Lifetime by Candee Fick (Goodreads Author) epub kickass online francais how read

BETTER Catch of a Lifetime by Candee Fick (Goodreads Author) epub kickass online francais how read

BETTER Catch of a Lifetime by Candee Fick (Goodreads Author) epub kickass online francais how read

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Book description
This is an alternate Cover Edition for ISBN10: 1941103944/ ISBN13: 9781941103944.He breathes football. She shudders at the very mention of the sport. After a tragedy involving a football player destroyed her family, athletic trainer and graduate student Cassie moves across the country looking for a fresh start, but a change in financial aid lands her in the middle of her worst nightmare. Meanwhile, rookie coach Reed worries his dream career will slip away as injuries plague his players and his star receiver teeters on the brink of ineligibility. As the two work together to salvage the season, sparks fly, and Reed must eventually choose between the game and the woman he loves.
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