BETTER Caresses Soft as Sandpaper by Clint Catalyst iBooks online how read via how to

BETTER Caresses Soft as Sandpaper by Clint Catalyst iBooks online how read via how to

BETTER Caresses Soft as Sandpaper by Clint Catalyst iBooks online how read via how to

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Book description
Caresses Soft as Sandpaper - subtitled A Collection of Amorous Ramblings and Rotted Erotica - is the first book of Catalysts writings ever published. While some sources reference the chapbook as [being] reproduced in the first section of [his book] Cottonmouth Kisses, the claim is not entirely correct. As a matter of fact, of the 31 poems, two pen and ink illustrations and one photograph by Catalyst that appear in Caresses Soft as Sandpaper, only five poems - Actions Speak, Scorch, Those Final Moments, Anything, and Yeah, Sure - were included in Cottonmouth Kisses. Instead, Caresses Soft as Sandpaper is one of three sections in Cottonmouth Kisses. Conversely, that section contains three poems and a short story that were not - and are not - among the compendium known as Caresses Soft as Sandpaper.
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