BETTER Boys Will Put You on a Pedestal (So They Can Look Up Your Skirt): A Dads Advice for Daughters by Philip Van Munching francais get link library free

BETTER Boys Will Put You on a Pedestal (So They Can Look Up Your Skirt): A Dads Advice for Daughters by Philip Van Munching francais get link library free

BETTER Boys Will Put You on a Pedestal (So They Can Look Up Your Skirt): A Dads Advice for Daughters by Philip Van Munching francais

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Book description
Life can be pretty tricky when youre a teenage girl. New things matter: Clothes. Parties. Boys. Suddenly being liked and being popular dont mean the same thing. Your parents get completely bizarre when the subject of dating comes up. A friend youve had forever stabs you in the back for no good reason. Everybody you know seems to feel free to comment on your constantly changing body. Drugs and alcohol go from being what you see bad kids doing on television shows to what you see your friends doing when no adults are around. How are you supposed to deal? Since life doesnt come with a set of instructions, it helps to turn to people who have been through the stuff that youre facing. Even parents can help. (Really!) In Boys Will Put You on a Pedestal (so they can look up your skirt), former teenage boy -- and current dad of two daughters -- Philip Van Munching helps guide you through some of lifes most confusing topics. From Beauty to Grief, from Sex to Fate, Van Munching covers the things you most want to know about and, in his wise, warm, and funny way, offers advice on how you can become the young woman you most want to be.
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