BETTER Book of Days - Acting Edition by Lanford Wilson pocket read italian tablet cheap

BETTER Book of Days - Acting Edition by Lanford Wilson pocket read italian tablet cheap

BETTER Book of Days - Acting Edition by Lanford Wilson pocket read italian tablet cheap

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Book description
Acclaimed by Frank Rich as a writer who illuminates the deepest dramas of American life with poetry and compassion, Lanford Wilson is one of the most esteemed contemporary American playwrights of our time. Nowhere is this more evident than in his latest play, Book of Days, which has won the Best Play Award from the American Theater Critics Association. Book of Days is set in a small town dominated by a cheese plant, a fundamentalist church, and a community theater. When the owner of the cheese plant dies mysteriously in a hunting accident, Ruth, his bookkeeper, suspects murder. Cast as Joan of Arc in a local production of George Bernard Shaws St. Joan, Ruth takes on the attributes of her fictional character and launches into a one-woman campaign to see justice done. In Book of Days, Lanford Wilson uses note-perfect language to create characters who are remarkable both for their comic turns and for their enormous depth. Mr. Wilsons cosmic consciousness, intense moral concern, sense of human redemption and romantic effusion have climbed to a new peak. -- Alvin Klein, The New York Times; A significant addition to the Lanford Wilson canon . . . his best work since Fifth of July . . . Book of Days manages to combine Wilsons signature character-based whimsy with an atypically strong narrative book and politically charged underpinnings. -- Chris Jones, Variety; Book of Days is lively storytelling by one of our best playwrights. -- Lawrence DeVine, Detroit Free Press.
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