BETTER Blue by Abigail Padgett (Goodreads Author) download book pdf

BETTER Blue by Abigail Padgett (Goodreads Author) download book pdf

BETTER Blue by Abigail Padgett (Goodreads Author) download book pdf

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Book description
Blue McCarron, the savvy, gay social psychologist with a yen for crime detection, is captivated by the bizarre case of Beatrice Muffin Crandall, a proper grande dame of 72 who has just confessed to murdering a man, chopping him up, and storing his body parts in a frozen locker. But why is Muffins brother Dan asking Blue for her help in getting Muffin to retract her confession? And why are Muffins wealthy society friends clearly lying to protect her? Stalking the truth will lead Blue to a desperate, nationwide conspiracy -- and an unraveling mystery more dangerous than she bargained for.
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