BETTER Blown Away by Gayle Parness (Goodreads Author) pdf information francais pc online

BETTER Blown Away by Gayle Parness (Goodreads Author) pdf information francais pc online

BETTER Blown Away by Gayle Parness (Goodreads Author) pdf information francais pc online

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Book description
With the horror of Jackies kidnapping behind them, Jackie, Garrett and their team are in full swing, taking on cases where they feel they can do some good. When they travel to Los Altos to try to locate three missing teen boys whove gone missing from their werewolf pack, they find themselves in real danger from an unexpected magical source. As tensions rise, an attack seems imminent.In the midst of this chaos, Garrett is forced to deal with a rebellious master vampire, while Jackie is asked to use her healing powers to save a young lion shifter whos resorted to violence rather than accepting the fact that hes not human after all. However, these situations are nothing compared to the personal crisis they have to face which could destroy their relationship and start a war with Faerie.
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