BETTER Between Lust & Tears by Dani RenГ© (Goodreads Author) download book free txt

BETTER Between Lust & Tears by Dani RenГ© (Goodreads Author) download book free txt

BETTER Between Lust & Tears by Dani RenГ© (Goodreads Author) download book free txt

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Book description
HIM Irresistible. Bad Boy. Manwhore.That’s what they call him.But I know better.You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to be changed,but it didn’t stop me trying.Can I really be the personto break down those walls? HER Innocent. Sweet. Beautiful.That’s what she is. I know her better than she knows herself.You can’t make someone stay,but you can show them your truthand let them choose.Can I ever be enough for her?Can I be the man worthy of her heart?*This story is for mature audiences only. Contains explicit scenes intended for adults 18 +
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