BETTER Astrology: Woman to Woman by Gloria Star windows without signing epub book view

BETTER Astrology: Woman to Woman by Gloria Star windows without signing epub book view

BETTER Astrology: Woman to Woman by Gloria Star windows without signing epub book view

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Book description
Discover how to interpret an astrological chart especially for a woman in the most complete book ever on the depth and breadth of the female character, Astrology: Woman to Woman by Gloria Star. In this book Gloria investigates the astrological chart systematically and extensively from the feminine point of view. You may think that a planet is the same for everyone, but Gloria tailors the entire book to the needs and desires of women in todays world. When you read this book you will not need to translate a lot of astrological jargon into plain English. Astrology: Woman to Woman has done that for you. It provides clear information that helps you to understand your own patterns and behaviors, good and bad, and fit them together into a positive, optimistic whole. If you are a woman, Astrology: Woman to Woman helps you begin seeing yourself as a complete person and shows how to overcome perceived limitations or take advantage of special skills and talents. All you need is this book and your natal chart. As a special bonus, every copy of Astrology: Woman to Woman includes a coupon for a FREE natal horoscope chart. - Learn how you project yourself into the world - Understand your inner feminine nature - Develop your mind - Hone your intuitive edge - Nurture and create a home - Refine career and financial considerations - Clarify love and romance questions - Focus on sex, money, and control issues Astrology: Woman to Woman is a vital book for all astrologers, for women who want to understand themselves better, and for men who want to understand women.
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