BETTER Angelsong (Dark Angel #3): A Young Adult Fantasy by Hanna L Peach phone find ebook djvu download

BETTER Angelsong (Dark Angel #3): A Young Adult Fantasy by Hanna L Peach phone find ebook djvu download

BETTER Angelsong (Dark Angel #3): A Young Adult Fantasy by Hanna L Peach phone find ebook djvu download

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Book description
Israel lies dying from demon poison. To save him, Alyx needs the recipe for the cure, supposedly contained within the Threads of Dark, and she needs Mayrekks knowledge of herbs to make it. But Mayrekk remains imprisoned in Michaelea, being punished for his hand in Alyxs escape, and Michael himself guards the key to Mayrekks freedom. The Threads of Dark is sealed within a secret chamber deep under the Archives of Urielos, a Seraphim city clinging to cliffs somewhere along the coast of Italy. Even if Alyx does manage to find a way into the city, the chamber is guarded by ancient riddles and deadly traps... Can Alyx rescue Mayrekk and retrieve the Threads of Dark before Israel slips away?
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