BETTER Amazon Web Services for Dummies by Bernard Golden english free german bookshop reading

BETTER Amazon Web Services for Dummies by Bernard Golden english free german bookshop reading

BETTER Amazon Web Services for Dummies by Bernard Golden english free german bookshop reading

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Book description
Create dynamic cloud-based websites with Amazon Web Services and this friendly guide!As the largest cloud computing platform in the world, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides one of the most popular web services options available. This easy-to-understand guide is the perfect introduction to the Amazon Web Services platform and all it can do for you. Youll learn about the Amazon Web Services tool set; how different web services (including S3, Amazon EC2, and Amazon Flexible Payments) and Glacier work; and how you can implement AWS in your organization.Explains how to use Amazon Web Services to store objects, take payments, manage large quantities of data, send e-mails, deploy push notifications, and more from your website Details how AWS can reduce costs, improve efficiency, increase productivity, and cut down on expensive hardware investments - and administrative headaches - in your organization Includes practical examples and helpful step-by-step lists to help you experiment with different AWS features and create a robust website that meets your needs Amazon Web Services For Dummies is exactly what you need to get your head in the cloud with Amazon Web Services!
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