BETTER Addicted to You by Colina Brennan (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

BETTER Addicted to You by Colina Brennan (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

BETTER Addicted to You by Colina Brennan (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

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Book description
When twenty-one-year-old Leah Carters latest one night stand burglarizes her apartment, her roommate forces her to attend therapy for sex addicts. Leah insists she isnt a sex addict; she just doesnt do relationships. After all, sooner or later, everyone lets you down.At first, the group sessions are little more than an education on how to be promiscuous. Until she meets the newest addict—blue eyes, killer body, and a smile that tempts relapse.Psychology student Will McLean is posing as a fellow addict while researching a case study on unusual addictions. But the more he learns about Leah, the more certain he is that his desire to break through her walls and unearth her secrets has nothing to do with his assignment.As the uncertainties spike alongside the sexual tension, the only thing Leah knows for sure is that falling in love would be disastrous. Too bad love might be one addiction she cant kick.
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