BETTER A Picture Book of Rosa Parks (Picture Book Biographies) by David A. Adler download book epub

BETTER A Picture Book of Rosa Parks (Picture Book Biographies) by David A. Adler download book epub

BETTER A Picture Book of Rosa Parks (Picture Book Biographies) by David A. Adler download book epub

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Book description

Book description
This is a biography about Rosa Parks. This book is intended for the readers ofthe primary and intermediate age groups.This book is very important as it teaches children about how Rosa Parks started the Civil Rights Movement to end Segragation. Rosa Parks is best known for failing to give up her seat on the bus to a white person and got assested for it. Rosa Parks won many awards including the spingarn medal and the presidential medal of freedom. The pictures are colorful and seem as if the artist drew them as he/she saw it happen. I would use this book when teaching about Civil Rights or Segragation. This would be appealing to children whose parents & grandparents lived through the Civil Rights Movement or Segragation.
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