BETTER A Monstrous Secret by Rebecca Ward book txt online

BETTER A Monstrous Secret by Rebecca Ward book txt online

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Book description
SPIES! SECRET INVENTIONS! A DEVILISH GENTLEMAN!MISS WEATHERBY TOOK IT ALL IN STRIDE.Melinda Weatherby was aware of her aunts eccentricities, but it was preposterous for Zenobie to be suspected of being a spy--selling Englands secrets to the enemy! Her only crime was living next to a brilliant inventor, who was working on an underwater vessel that would outperform the infamous Nautilus.Lord Hartford was determined to catch Zenobie in the act of treason, and Melinda vowed to prove him wrong. Worse, she knew that she herself was not beyond suspicion in this broth of espionage! Entangled in a web of intrigue, she was made all the more breathless by Hartford himself, whose relentless search had surely uncovered the most dangerous of truths: she had lost her heart!
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