BETTER 7th Sea: Heroes and Villains (7th Sea) by John Wick page reader itunes read touch

BETTER 7th Sea: Heroes and Villains (7th Sea) by John Wick page reader itunes read touch

BETTER 7th Sea: Heroes and Villains (7th Sea) by John Wick page reader itunes read touch

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Book description

Book description
A great power summoning forth the brightest souls, and the darkest. These are the Heroes and Villains of Théah. For every knife-twisting assassin, there is an ever-diligent bodyguard. For each great act of courage and hope, there is a dastardly deed performed in darkness. For every Hero there is a Villain.The 7th Sea Heroes & Villains book gives you 40 Heroes and 40 Villains to use in your game. It discusses heroism, villainy and possible redemption for lost souls who have fallen into darkness and includes new Advantages, Backgrounds and other systems for use with 7th Sea: Second Edition.
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