

  Hey guys what’s up, today I am going to write something different once again and this is no other than SPORTS as the title says so. If you have read my postbefore you will sure know am good at what i does. I intent to make this a series of posts about sports,betting and more specifically I will make a guide with useful information about a variety of sports both well-known and unknown in order to help anyone of you: 

  1. Learn something new
  2. Learn tips if you are interested in a sport 
  3. Discover new sports you are aware of 
  4. Get into the world of sports ( that’s the most important, if I make you start a new sport or even start some exercise I will be very happy)   

Because as I mentioned this is the introduction post I will speak a little bit more generic about sports and the benefits they provide us and without further delay 

Sports started out many many years ago of course not with their present form but everything evolves and adjusts to today (I don’t want to get you bored so I don’t start with the ‘’history chart’’). 

Sports have many definitions and a huge debate is that whether we define them by ‘’physical activity’’ or as ‘’competitive activity’’ with 2 or more people providing us and themselves with fun and excitement. 

If you think ‘’well both of the definitions are fine’’ then you have to rethink it. The ‘’debate’’ is that if you accept the first one some ‘’sports’’ wont be considered sports like chess for example but with the second one we can add a lot more like chess, e-sports etc etc. 

If you asked, my personal opinion would be that:

‘’Sports are a healthy competitive activity that provide both us and the athletes fun amusement, excitement and boosts the respect for others and the healthy way of living’’ 

Too long? Well I don’t care :P 

Sport benefits 

Well, there are many benefits that sports provide us and I will begin with the benefits for kids (those benefits may be the same for adults too but I believe if you start young the results will be better, but then again it’s never too late ). 

Social skills  

Children need social skills and sports are one of the best ways to develop them. They start meet new kids learn how to talk to and make friendships; they start to cooperate and form teams developing communications skills that will help them grow into their careers and lives.  

Valuable lessons 

Some lessons learned from that age are that ‘’I am not alone’’ but in a team so there is no room for ’’ I’’ and for egoism. We all have a common goal that is to get better, to have fun and enjoy and of course to win. Another valuable lesson is to accept defeats a lesson that will help them a lot in their lives and I mean A LOT. Everyone at some point of their lives face defeat either on college or on relationships, job, family etc etc ( you all know what I mean, you have face that in some way too) The sports from young age help the potential grown men and women to handle this better and not get depressed. 


In sports kids or adults develop a higher self-esteem by people cheering on them, encourage them both in defeat and win and make them feel good about themselves and valuable. 


 This is of the best I think. With discipline not only mental but physical too you are a whole new person as you build patience that helps you achieve whatever you want to or respect for other humans and life in general. If you think that isn’t enough, when it’s time to go to college or for work you will always try your best without trying the ‘’eye for an eye’’ tactic and at the same time when you achieve things you will be humble.  

You do better in school-university-career  

Although you see on movies that most of the athletes are either stupid and muscular or pretty and stupid and can’t pass the exams, the reality is different. Because these athletes learn new tactics every day, memorize them and are hardworking people it’s a lot easier for them if they put their minds down to read for the exams or to be more energetic and have more knowledge to their career field. (There are always exceptions) 

Health benefits  

We all know, read studies, hearing on television, checked it out on internet that sports and exercise in general provide us with a better health. Balanced weight, fitness and even a total of healthy style without alcohol and smoking, drugs and anabolic. (Never overdo it to anything you do in your life). Stress and pressure is loosening up as exercise is a form of detonation and at the same time your team helps you past those feelings. 


BetOnChart is a new concept of football betting, where the players can make in-play bets and follow the match at the same time.


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