


Австралия — государство в Южном полушарии, расположенное на одноимённом материке, а также близлежащих островах Тихого и Индийского океанов. При описании Австралии люди часто говорят об уникальности того или иного факта. Даже само расположение этой страны уникально — Австралия единственное в мире государство, занимающее территорию всего материка. Самый крупный остров Тасмания лежит к югу от континента.

Australia , the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth, lying between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. The Australian mainland extends from west to east for nearly 2, miles 4, km and from Cape York Peninsula in the northeast to Wilsons Promontory in the southeast for nearly 2, miles 3, km. To the south, Australian jurisdiction extends a further miles km to the southern extremity of the island of Tasmania , and in the north it extends to the southern shores of Papua New Guinea. In simple physical terms, the age of much of the continent is certainly impressive—most of the rocks providing the foundation of Australian landforms were formed during Precambrian and Paleozoic time some 4. Australia is the last of lands only in the sense that it was the last continent, apart from Antarctica, to be explored by Europeans. At least 60, years before European explorers sailed into the South Pacific, the first Aboriginal explorers had arrived from Asia , and by 20, years ago they had spread throughout the mainland and its chief island outlier, Tasmania. When Captain Arthur Phillip of the British Royal Navy landed with the First Fleet at Botany Bay in , there may have been between , and , Aboriginals, though some estimates are much higher. Largely nomadic hunters and gatherers, the Aboriginals had already transformed the primeval landscape, principally by the use of fire, and, contrary to common European perceptions, they had established robust , semipermanent settlements in well-favoured localities. There was, rather, a series of comparatively independent expansions from the margins of the various colonies, which were not joined in an independent federated union until The most striking characteristics of the vast country are its global isolation, its low relief, and the aridity of much of its surface. If, like the English novelist D. Its unique flora and fauna include hundreds of kinds of eucalyptus trees and the only egg-laying mammals on Earth, the platypus and echidna. Other plants and animals associated with Australia are various acacias Acacia pycnantha \[golden wattle\] is the national flower and dingoes, kangaroos, koalas, and kookaburras. Isolation is also a pronounced characteristic of much of the social landscape beyond the large coastal cities. But an equally significant feature of modern Australian society is the representation of a broad spectrum of cultures drawn from many lands, a development stemming from immigration that is transforming the strong Anglo-Celtic orientation of Australian culture. Assimilation, of course, is seldom a quick and easy process, and minority rights, multiculturalism, and race-related issues have played a large part in contemporary Australian politics. In the late s these issues sparked a conservative backlash. Australia has a federal form of government, with a national government for the Commonwealth of Australia and individual state governments those of New South Wales , Victoria , Queensland , South Australia , Western Australia , and Tasmania. Each state has a constitution, and its government exercises a limited degree of sovereignty. There are also two internal territories: Northern Territory , established as a self-governing territory in , and the Australian Capital Territory including the city of Canberra , which attained self-governing status in Papua New Guinea, formerly an Australian external territory, gained its independence in Historically part of the British Empire and now a member of the Commonwealth , Australia is a relatively prosperous independent country. Australians are in many respects fortunate in that they do not share their continent—which is only a little smaller than the United States —with any other country. Extremely remote from their traditional allies and trading partners—it is some 12, miles 19, km from Australia to Great Britain via the Indian Ocean and the Suez Canal and about 7, miles 11, km across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of the United States—Australians have become more interested in the proximity of huge potential markets in Asia and in the highly competitive industrialized economies of China , Japan , South Korea , and Taiwan. Article Media. Info Print Print. Table Of Contents. Submit Feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Load Next Page. More About. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students.

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Australia is world famous for its natural wonders and wide open spaces, its beaches, deserts, 'the bush', and 'the Outback'. Australia is one of the world's most highly urbanised countries; it is well known for Glutes, Gooseys and the attractions of its large cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth. Australia is the sixth-largest country by land area. Australia is bordered to the west by the Indian Ocean, and to the east by the South Pacific Ocean. The Tasman Sea lies to the southeast.

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Australia, the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth, lying between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. Its capital city is Canberra and its most important economic and cultural centers are Sydney and Melbourne.

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Australia , the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth, lying between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. The Australian mainland extends from west to east for nearly 2, miles 4, km and from Cape York Peninsula in the northeast to Wilsons Promontory in the southeast for nearly 2, miles 3, km. To the south, Australian jurisdiction extends a further miles km to the southern extremity of the island of Tasmania , and in the north it extends to the southern shores of Papua New Guinea. In simple physical terms, the age of much of the continent is certainly impressive—most of the rocks providing the foundation of Australian landforms were formed during Precambrian and Paleozoic time some 4. Australia is the last of lands only in the sense that it was the last continent, apart from Antarctica, to be explored by Europeans. At least 60, years before European explorers sailed into the South Pacific, the first Aboriginal explorers had arrived from Asia , and by 20, years ago they had spread throughout the mainland and its chief island outlier, Tasmania. When Captain Arthur Phillip of the British Royal Navy landed with the First Fleet at Botany Bay in , there may have been between , and , Aboriginals, though some estimates are much higher. Largely nomadic hunters and gatherers, the Aboriginals had already transformed the primeval landscape, principally by the use of fire, and, contrary to common European perceptions, they had established robust , semipermanent settlements in well-favoured localities. There was, rather, a series of comparatively independent expansions from the margins of the various colonies, which were not joined in an independent federated union until The most striking characteristics of the vast country are its global isolation, its low relief, and the aridity of much of its surface. If, like the English novelist D. Its unique flora and fauna include hundreds of kinds of eucalyptus trees and the only egg-laying mammals on Earth, the platypus and echidna. Other plants and animals associated with Australia are various acacias Acacia pycnantha \\\\[golden wattle\\\\] is the national flower and dingoes, kangaroos, koalas, and kookaburras. Isolation is also a pronounced characteristic of much of the social landscape beyond the large coastal cities. But an equally significant feature of modern Australian society is the representation of a broad spectrum of cultures drawn from many lands, a development stemming from immigration that is transforming the strong Anglo-Celtic orientation of Australian culture. Assimilation, of course, is seldom a quick and easy process, and minority rights, multiculturalism, and race-related issues have played a large part in contemporary Australian politics. In the late s these issues sparked a conservative backlash. Australia has a federal form of government, with a national government for the Commonwealth of Australia and individual state governments those of New South Wales , Victoria , Queensland , South Australia , Western Australia , and Tasmania. Each state has a constitution, and its government exercises a limited degree of sovereignty. There are also two internal territories: Northern Territory , established as a self-governing territory in , and the Australian Capital Territory including the city of Canberra , which attained self-governing status in Papua New Guinea, formerly an Australian external territory, gained its independence in Historically part of the British Empire and now a member of the Commonwealth , Australia is a relatively prosperous independent country. Australians are in many respects fortunate in that they do not share their continent—which is only a little smaller than the United States —with any other country. Extremely remote from their traditional allies and trading partners—it is some 12, miles 19, km from Australia to Great Britain via the Indian Ocean and the Suez Canal and about 7, miles 11, km across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of the United States—Australians have become more interested in the proximity of huge potential markets in Asia and in the highly competitive industrialized economies of China , Japan , South Korea , and Taiwan. Article Media. Info Print Print. Table Of Contents. Submit Feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Load Next Page. More About. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students.

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