Astonishing XMen Full Movie Download 1080p Hd

Astonishing XMen Full Movie Download 1080p Hd


Astonishing X-Men Full Movie Download 1080p Hd

An alien species attempts to take over earth, but the X-Men are ready for anything.
When I first saw this little video of &quot;X-Men: Gifted,&quot; I was so amazed at how good the story was here that I started reading X-Men comics frequently after that since before I had seen this, I rarely read any X-Men comics.<br/><br/>The story of &quot;X-Men:Gifted&quot; was just so fantastic as it deals with the X-Men coming face to face about the idea of being &quot;cured&quot; of their mutant abilities and how some of the X-Men reacted to that. Joss Whedon has done a brilliant job at weaving an action-packed story while exploring all of the characters in the story, which really made me feel connected to all of the characters and how they deal with this situation. I also loved the surprise of a certain X-Men character that I have grown to love over the years (but I won&#39;t spoil it!) Probably the only problem with this story is that the animation is a bit jagged as the characters don&#39;t really move fluidly and their facial expressions seems to be stuck on one expression whenever they are talking. However, since the story is really story, this can easily be overlooked.<br/><br/>I would strongly recommend &quot;X-Men: Gifted&quot; to anyone who is a fan of Joss Whedon and love a good X-Men story!
I&#39;m not a huge comic guy - I enjoy a lot of superhero movies and I know my way around a roll call but I am not good with all the various stories and off-shoots that are out there. I knew Joss Whedon had done some comic work somewhere along the way and pulled this up on Netflix. For some reason only &quot;Season&quot; 2, 3 and 4 are on it but that was sufficient. Unstoppable is the last of the available series and easily the best. <br/><br/>The animation is very much in the style of a motion comic; it&#39;s not fully animated, lips move but most of the action is things flying past each other as static images. It can be a bit jarring if you&#39;re unused to it but that doesn&#39;t last long. It works in this case, at any rate. <br/><br/>This particular incarnation of the X-men includes Cyclops, Wolverine, Colossus, Shadowcat, Emma Frost, and Beast as the primaries. It&#39;s their story that is told and it can be quote moving at times. At other times, it&#39;s downright hilarious (thanks Joss). There was a scene late in episode 6, I think, that had such great timing I had to pause the movie to avoid missing the next part because I was laughing so hard. <br/><br/>The characters all have real arcs, form relationships, and see them tested. I didn&#39;t recognize any of the voice actors, but they all do fine work. I&#39;d put this over a lot of the live action comic stuff from the last few years without question - but it doesn&#39;t quite touch Avengers!


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