Archer 720p Movies

Archer 720p Movies


Archer 720p Movies

Covert black ops and espionage take a back seat to zany personalities and relationships between secret agents and drones.
Sterling Archer, the world's deadliest spy, lives for espionage. In this incredibly humorous animation, he along with his co-workers sabotage one another's missions and lives just for fun. From espionage to drug dealing and private investigating, they take you into depth of their dysfunctional lives and friendship.
Archer is quite possibly my new favorite show. This comes from the creator of Frisky Dingo, the show that took a similar comedic aim at superheroes. Archer has some of the best character flaws on television. Sterling Archer is the womanizing main character who despite his aloofness and major flaws is one of ISIS best agents. Lana Kane plays his mocha ex lover who loves inter-racial porn and turtleneck skirts. Carol or cheryl or crystal, whatever her name is this week, is the sex crazed secretary who like to be choked in bed. Cyril is the comptroller who is somehow sleeping with Lana while trying to impress her more than Archer. Malory is Archer's mother/leader of ISIS. Her dog duchess spawned archer's codename and her torid love affairs with other spies all over the world get in the way of ISIS being the number 1 spy organization. And Pam is the chubby outspoken HR rep who is always looking for some way to appreciated while also insulting Carol for being Carol. The characters in the show mix so well together that each episode has the ability to be rewatched numerous times. Watch Archer on FX and see for yourself
... Archer is an amazing show that always wants to push the envelope and its jokes to the furthest possible point. Yes, there are episodes and even complete seasons that seem to fall far behind what is once was at the beginning.<br/><br/>But in all fairness to the creators, they have evolved and we as a whole have too! Take for example the first seasons! They were perfect and the jokes landed just right! But now... well... now its 2017 (almost 18) and we get offended by everything!! We are taking a satire as if it were the serious mind of its creator and hating him for doing what it has always done: MAKING FUN OF THINGS<br/><br/>So lighten up, put on your &quot;i actually don&#39;t get offended by everything&quot; suit and have a laugh, you know you need it!

The universe of Archer uses fashion and hairstyles from the early 1960s with a mix of 1980s architecture. Present-day technology such as smartphones and the internet as well as current social values such as the general acceptance of LGBT people and women in positions of power can also be seen in Archer. Countries that no longer exists today such as the Soviet Union still clearly exists in the Archer universe. &quot;The Cold War never ended&quot; is the most accepted theory put forward by the show&#39;s creator which mean&#39;s that Archer is set in the present day but in an alternate timeline from our own.<br/><br/> a5c7b9f00b

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