Английские глаголы с предлогами таблица

Английские глаголы с предлогами таблица

Английские глаголы с предлогами таблица

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Глаголы в английском языке могут управлять какими-либо второстепенными членами предложения, в частности — дополнениями. Данные дополнения могут быть прямыми и не требовать управления посредством каких-либо предлогов, а могут быть косвенными — и, соответственно, управляться какими-либо определенными предлогами в зависимости от используемого глагола и его конкретного значения. Английские глаголы нередко используются с различными предлогами при употреблении в разных значениях. Управление различных глаголов в английском и русском языках во многих случаях не совпадает и может привести к затруднению общения при их неправильном использовании. Поэтому настоятельно рекомендуется заучивать новые английские глаголы с теми предлогами, в паре с которыми они употребляются в зависимости от рассматриваемого значения. В таблице ниже собраны наиболее часто встречающиеся в английской речи глаголы с характерными для них предлогами. She helped him look for his newspaper. He has to look after his sick dog. What country will you play for in the next match? I prefer mineral water to other drinks. This beach umbrella will protect your child from the sun. Such food will never protect you against vein disease. Such projects provide many people of this town with work. Edith is regarded as an eccentric girl. They always rely on their relatives to help take care of their dogs when they are abroad. It became too dark in the garden to search for lost glasses. They have searched the railway station for bombs. Your daughter spends all her time and money on dogs. She was thinking about her new post in the office. What does she think of our new project? My cousin is translating different texts from Hungarian into Arabic. At that time the people were standing near the bus and waiting for their guide. Bulgarian tourists were warned about the danger of an unknown infection. Вы можете использовать следующие теги: Тема - Notices and warnings - Надписи и предостережения. Тема - Спряжение слабых глаголов в настоящем времени. Тема - Спряжение испанских глаголов в настоящем времени. Ru изучение иностранных языков онлайн по Скайп Skype. Учим английский, немецкий, французский, испанский вместе. Иностранные языки по скайпу. Английские глаголы с предлогами Глаголы в английском языке могут управлять какими-либо второстепенными членами предложения, в частности — дополнениями. Professor Smith has been accused of publishing the stolen ideas. Bert always agrees with his parents. The students have not agreed on a date for their party. She needs to apply for a special permission to reconstruct her house. Do the mentioned rules apply to them? Your brother has to apologize to me for his words. She asked Jane about the news. She never asks for support. He believes in magic. These magazines belong to his grandfather. Jane could benefit by her nature. Patrick blamed his son for breaking the toys of his sister. Our mother blamed it on my cousin. Russian has borrowed many words from different languages. You care only about money! Mary complained to her neighbour about being dismissed from her post. The pupils must concentrate on their work during the lessons. They congratulated their guide on his jubilee. The new group will consist of twenty people. Her daily expenses depend on travel distances. She depends on her husband telling her everything he knows. His children were deprived of the games in the open air. People often die of unknown diseases. She explained her attitude towards this unpleasant experience to the office manager. His sister insisted on her innocence. The visitors listened to the classical music. She looked at her telephone a while. My brother was looking for a new bike for his son. Английские устойчивые сочетания с глаголом-связкой to be, требующие после себя использования определенных предлогов: Our children are accustomed to playing together. She was afraid of being bitten by that big dog. Many of his friends are afraid for their jobs. The concert was aimed at young people and teenagers. Professor Adams was angry with his lazy students. Anna was ashamed of those rude words her friend said to her sister. The new mix is composed of vegetables and vegetable oils. Our tomatoes are different from yours. The guests of this party were dressed in various old time suits. The big green bottle was full of gingili oil. I told her I was very glad of the news about my relatives. He was glad for Michael who had solved such a complicated problem. Alex is very good at foreign languages. Her sister was guilty of doing this. We search for a bank which is independent of our government. Jane wanted to be indifferent to her new friend, but she liked him. All they are interested in at the moment is music. The boy is just jealous for his girl. Nicole was married to a banker. Sarah was really proud of her clothing. His sister was never satisfied with the results of her exams. The bicycle of my friend is similar to mine. Your blender is far superior to mine. He is not sure of his skills. She was greatly surprised at this letter. Sarah was tired of his pejorative words. The text was written in red pencil. Нажмите, чтобы отменить ответ. Подготовка к ЕГЭ и ГИА школьников, и любые направления для детей и взрослых. Anna boasted of a new green bag. I think I fail in psychology. This small hotel provides laundry service for the guests. The doctor told him to be careful of his poor health during his travelling toAfrica. They were always pleased with the skills of their children. Our mother suffers from orientation loss related to her main disease.

Глаголы с предлогами

Английский язык. Глаголы с предлогами

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