Android tutorial перевод

Android tutorial перевод

Android tutorial перевод

How to write “Hello World” into a NFC tag in Android.

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For a seasoned pro this approach is inadvisable not to mention unlikely… , but for a beginner it can be a really fast way to destroy any enthusiasm that you have to learn, and that just wont do. It is an operating system and a platform, that is to say it is a collection of languages and tools that all work together. Instead, break it down:. Once you have a grasp of the individual concepts you can bring them together in a much smoother way than if you were hacking away trying to figure out if you are looking at an XML syntax error or an actual Java exception. Android is a mature platform these days, and there are many tools available to help you. As with any software development task, knowing where to find the information that you need is the most important skill to develop. Learning how to find the right answers to your questions quickly will smooth out the learning curve no end. Here are some starters for some general questions you might want to ask as you progress:. Sign up to a developer forum or interest group on social media. Someone out there has probably already asked the question that is causing you difficulty. If your goal is to become a professional developer, you will have to work in a team at some point, even if that is just with a graphic designer or marketing team, so getting used to working on a shared codebase is a useful skill, and working with developers who are already experienced is a great way to learn. Nothing is a better motivator than having a target to achieve. You could spend days, weeks, months ploughing through tutorials and achieve very little that is useful in the day to day. Worse still, you could try to create a fully scalable multi-language, phone and tablet-ready social media platform in a weekend for your first app. Do you want a custom calculator that can send the result to your emaill address? Do you want a one-shot Tweet app? A soundboard of fart noises? Make each of these work before you try and build it into your larger project. Want to learn Android faster? Work with an Android Codementor like Marton! View Android Expert Mentors. Share your Codementor profile to receive more requests. Please click Start Session to start a session with me. Please click Start Session to start a Codementor Monthly session with me. CLICK HERE to see how it works. Expert Mentors Expert Mentors Web Programming Web Programming. Online Full stack JS Development Courses. Angular 2 Video Course. Beginner React Video Course. React Native Video Course. Full stack JS video course. Here are five pointers to help make learning Android mobile software development easier: Instead, break it down: Here are some starters for some general questions you might want to ask as you progress: How does this specific component work? Every component available out-of-the-box so to speak is described in the documents, and there are usually code examples. Copy-paste the error, and someone has probably already found the cause. I like that expanding list thing, what is that? Should I have one of those? The Android OS is a complex beast, and the layer that you normally work on is abstracted a long way away from the core bits and bytes. Questions about this tutorial? I believe that every problem has a definite solution if one takes the time to understand the problem. I apply this philosophy in my everyday life Consultant Technical Speaker Startup Founder Full Stack Developer Chatbots AI Machine Learning JavaScript jQuery NodeJS AngularJS MongoDB MeteorJS ElasticSearch Firebase Android Ionic Mocha Digitalocean MySQL. Codementor is your live 1: On-demand Marketplace for Software Developers. Sign Up and Get Help Now I agree to Codementor terms. SUGGEST A SCHEDULE IN CHAT. Want to connect with a Codementor? GET HELP NOW SIGNUP NOW GET MORE REQUESTS. Please refrain from assisting this user until this has been resolved. Ask to start session. Get help from other mentors now. Start a free voice call Beta. If this issue persists, please contact us:

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