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When you have a broadband ISP that gives you high-speed Internet access, it is essential to remember that your downloads operate on a different spectrum than the uploads. If you have a 150 Mbps service at home, then your upload speeds get capped somewhere between 5-20 Mbps.
That means if you don’t restrict your upload speeds when torrenting on The Pirate Bay, all of your capacity might go to other BitTorrent clients who want the same bits of files that you did when downloading as a leecher.
Since many residential ISP customers have caps on the amount of Internet access available, you need to be in control of what goes out.
It also means that what you provide to others is going to be far less effective than what you can get. The opposite also occurs when you’re the one downloading the content. If you have a shared cable with the rest of your neighborhood, then even further limitations are on the service.
If you’re not sure what your upload speeds are, then you can run a standard speed test to find this information.
Although not very frequent, some users of The Pirate Bay have faced legal challenges, having to pay fines or reparations to antipiracy institutions and corporations. However, in general, this has been aimed at those who used the site excessively.
For example, in the Netherlands, the 2Lions team had to pay €67,500 to the Dutch antipiracy institution BREIN in 2016. It is known that BREIN has been paid thousands of Euros from users of The PirateBay, and that it has even used debt collectors to receive the money owed to them.
Similarly, in the USA state of Hawai, Mr Graham was found guilty of downloading thousands of movies and sentenced to pay $2900 to certain American film producers.
As most institutions, The Pirate Bay needs financing to cover its hosting and personnel costs. There are many ways for you to contribute to this. You can contribute directly via a donation, which can be done via the most common credit cards. You can also advertise on the site, which is probably a better way, as you can do it on a continuous basis, thus helping to create a stream of funds.
The Pirate Bay is a web site with a search engine for torrent and magnets that was founded by Swedish think tank Piratbyrån. Although there is not an official organization of any type (including non-Profit) behind it, it is maintained by people, and some of them belonged the Piratbyrån.
Piratbyrån (Swedish for “The Pirate Bureau”) was a Swedish think tank created with the idea of supporting the free sharing of information, culture, and intellectual property. It was founded to oppose copyright lobby groups, such as the Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau.
This lack of an official institution was key during The Pirate Bay trial, which was aimed at individuals (its founders) and not at an institution. However, it has given The Pirate Bay an obscure image, as it is very unclear who profits or not from the site.
At present there are 29 countries that have officially blocked The Pirate Bay. An updated list can be found in Wikipedia. Therefore, if you need to know if your country of residence doesn’t allow you to visit The Pirate Bay, just consult this page.
Moreover, be aware that in certain countries, although their governments haven’t given any explicit prohibition, some Internet Service Providers or ISPs deny access to The Pirate Bay for their clients. A good way to avoid this problem is to use a VPN that allows you to access The Pirate Bay. Another manner is to access The Pirate Bay via a proxy or mirror site.
The Pirate Bay architecture is based on virtual machines, and it is designed in a way that protects the site from being detected and allows for a rapid migration. All traffic goes through a load balancer, which hides what the different virtual machines are doing. In this manner, not even the cloud service provider knows that it is hosting The Pirate Bay’s web site.
In addition, virtual machines are easy to migrate, as they are immediately ready for use. Summarizing, The PirateBay is designed in a manner that very few people really know where the application is located. This protects the site from arbitrary government-and-court decisions to shut down its servers, an experience learned from the 2006 raid in Sweden.
Mirrors are not necessarily an exact copy of the official Pirate Bay site. Their creators may have introduced some modifications, and their databases may vary when compared with the official one. This may be to different added information, and to the fact that their databases may not have been updated from the official one.
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However, they aim at being an exact copy. In order to achieve this, they must keep their databases updated on a frequent basis from The Pirate Bay’s database. Although The Pirate Bay provides very frequent dumps of its database, this site may be down, or facing other problems that make it difficult to update the mirrors.
You can find plenty of incredible content available for download when using The Pirate Bay. Anyone can upload items that they’ve created personally to distribute to others using the torrenting mechanism. Thousands of screenplays, audio files, podcasts, and self-produced cinema fall into this category.
The one item that is legal (although it may not be in some countries) to download involves public domain content. If a TV show, movie, or literature item does not have copyright protection, then you can legally access it at any time. The list of films that currently have this designation is massive, although many of them were made before 1970.
Some of the top movies to consider downloading using The Pirate Bay include Night of the Living Dead, His Girl Friday, and House on Haunted Hill.
Most users of The Pirate Bay can safely access any content that is in the public domain because of the licensing that protects the material. If you’re not sure if a movie or show is downloadable, several online resources can help you to research a specific title.
Matroska is becoming the standard for multimedia container formats. It is a binary derivative of XML, which means it isn’t a video compression format. Think of it more like an envelope that enables video, audio, and subtitle streams simultaneously. Users can store a complete CD, TV show, or movie in a single file with this structure.
It still contains all of the features you want in a modern container. Files can include chapter entries, metadata, and expandable modules.
The one advantage that Matroska offers for torrents is the option to recover playback, even if the stream gets damaged for some reason. Then you can choose the specific streams that you prefer when the file gets set up correctly.

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Matroska is an open standards project, which means it is free for anyone to use. The technical specifications that describe the bitstream are open to anyone. You’ll notice a quality difference in the torrent providers that use this container compared to the more traditional options.
More information about Matroska, including its code license and specifications, can be found on its website.
Theoretically yes, as The Pirate Bay is a website that doesn’t restrict access to it to anyone. However, there are 29 countries that have chosen to forbid access to this site, on the ground that it infringes copyright laws. A list of countries denying access to The Pirate Bay can be found in Wikipedia.
However, residents from those countries can make use of mirrors and proxies that are freely available on the Internet. As these sites are usually hosted in countries that don’t restrict access to The Pirate Bay and have different URLs than the official one, these sites can usually be visited from anywhere in the world.
Because a lot of viruses, malware, and malicious software use a .exe file to install on your computer, it can be challenging to distinguish the content for games from the items you want to delete.
If you download a game using the .exe format, then you can run the setup file directly on your system. The installer will take care of the content structures so that you can start playing right away.
When you want to avoid the risk of potential malware or worse, then consider using an ISO format for your gaming needs. This file is an image of a physical disc. That means you must mount it to your computer using a virtual drive or burn a physical copy before it installs for you.
Most games come with a ReadMe file with specific installation instructions to follow. If you don’t follow the tasks as outlined, then the product won’t work as intended.
Unless the game is in the public domain, having software on your computer without the correct licensing could be illegal. This tip is something that you implement at-your-own risk.
The Pirate Bay is a web site like any other one. As such, it faces the same risk as any website on the Internet does; such as being hacked, or loaded with malicious content. However, downloading files via a torrent client may add several extra problems, because the seeds of the files are not known, and thus, they may contain malicious software.
Due to this, you must take several precautionary measures, such as opting for files with many seeders. In this manner, it reduces the risk of you visiting a dangerous site, as it is less probable that many sites have coordinated a joint attack.
A Pirate Bay mirror is an autonomous site that has almost the same content as The Pirate Bay. As such, it must be updated frequently, in order to keep track of The Pirate Bay developments. The Pirate Bay offers frequent dumps of its database, to all those who want to use them and have a mirror site. The advantage of mirrors is that even if the official Pirate Bay site is down, mirrors can still function.
A Pirate Bay’s proxy site is a computer that acts as a gateway or access point to The Pirate Bay. It works as an intermediate link between you and The Pirate Bay, creating a triangulation that allows you to connect to the official Pirate Bay site without having to use its URL. The disadvantage of proxies is that if the official site of The Pirate Bay is down, they cannot work.
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Although not a requirement, hiding your IP address in order to do an anonymous search is a very intelligent provision. As The PirateBay is well known for facing many legal challenges from copyright institutions and governments, you don’t want to get into unnecessary trouble; and thus, using a VPN to hide your Internet identity is an almost necessary requirement.
A torrent client is a program that works on a peer-to-peer basis, and that allows its users to download content stored on the servers of some peers, by using the information available on torrent files and on magnets. There are two types of users, namely leechers and seeders. The difference between both is that once the download is complete, seeders provide the file to others, whereas leechers don’t. There are many common torrent clients available on the Internet. Many of them, such as BitLord, are free to use.

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The Pirate Bay and the Dark Web are two completely different things. The Pirate Bay is a web app that works as a search engine of magnets and torrents stored by registered users. It is open to everyone, and the philosophy behind is to provide information to all, regardless of whether it is copyrighted or not.
The Dark Web refers to content on the World Wide Web that requires some special software or permissions to access it. An example is the onionland that requires the special browser Tor in order to access it.
However, there is a version of The Pirate Bay available through a Tor onion at uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion. The aim of these onion is to allow access to The Pirate Bay via an URL that is very difficult to detect.
Yes, it is possible to access The Pirate Bay via the Tor browser. First you need to have this open source browser on your computer. You can download it at Then, you need to connect to the TOR onion uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion. Onions are a technology used by the Tor browser that works by separating identification and routing. It encapsulates messages in layers of encryption, each node only being aware of the data referring to the next node. The name onion derives from the similarity of this idea with the action of peeling the different layers of an onion. But, be precautious, because once you start downloading and using a torrent client program, your anonymity and security may still be compromised.

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Even if you don’t care about intellectual property or copyright protections because you believe in a shareable society, it is essential to know that some activities can still trace your traffic. If you run a crack program on your local system, then it may be possible for your ISP, the software producer, or the torrent uploader to register your personal information.
Some games require you to run a key generator program so that you can enter a working CD key. You may need to edit the configuration files to play. It may be necessary to replace the primary .exe file in the folder with a cracked version, running the replacement instead of the original.
The issue to manage here is one of intent. Not only are you downloading a game (potentially without permission), but you are also intentionally finding a workaround to defeat copyright protection structures.
Rules for installing games on Windows or macOS still exist. You’ll need to have the appropriate hardware specifications to operate the software successfully.
The current URL of The Pirate Bay is However, in the past, and due to its legal problems this site changed its domain to .ac (Ascension Island), then to .pe (Peru) and later on to .gy (Guyana), returning in the same year to the .se (Sweden) domain. Therefore, if you are a fan of The Pirate Bay, you need to keep track of its domain, as it may change in the future. A good source of information for this is Wikipedia, which usually contains the updated version of The Pirate Bay’s URL.
Although it is not very clear whether The Pirate Bay still uses for crypto mining the computers of the people accessing the site, it has done this in the past. The Pirate Bay’s blog announced that “As you may have noticed we are testing a Monero javascript miner. This is only a test. We really want to get rid of all the ads. But we also need enough money to keep the site running”. The blog also explained that their crypto mining will only be using 20% to 30% of your computer resources.
The official page of The PirateBay can be found at However, throughout the years, the domain has changed, due to the many challenges that the organization has faced.
Thus, for example, in 2013 the domain was changed to .ac (Ascension Island), to .pe (Peru) and then to .gy (Guyana), returning in the same year to the .se (Sweden) domain. The people behind The Pirate Bay wanted to keep the Sweden domain, but after the legal problems that faced in that country, they decided to use the .org domain, which is more neutral, as it doesn’t refer to any specific country.
In general, The PirateBay doesn’t place restrictions on the material available through it. However, they do warn that material related to child pornography, sexual violence and other malicious subjects may be withdrawn from their database. But this said, as the Arboga case showed, they are very open to what is published there, and they prefer to prime freedom of expression over censorship.
No. In many countries some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have opted to deny access to The Pirate Bay to their users. Others, have opted to provide information about users that have accessed The Pirate Bay, to institutions fighting for copyrights. This is the reason behind the need to use some IP protection when accessing this site, as it is not always known if your ISP will act as a “Big Brother” over you or not.
Though Pirate Bay is one of the top sites for downloading torrents, there are many safer, more reliable websites. There are the top five alternatives to the Pirate Bay Network.
These are the best sites to use instead of Pirate Bay. They also aren’t as notable, so they are safer to use, as well.
The Pirate Bay was founded in 2003 by three Swedes, named Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij, and Gottfrid Svartholm. In this endeavor, they used the nicknames Brokep, TiAMO and Anakata respectively. They belonged to an association named Piratbyrån, which means The Pirate Bureau in Swedish. They received an initial financial support from Carl Lundström, who has been accused of supporting far-right propaganda.
From its beginning, The Pirate Bay suffered accusations related to copyright infringements; because it allows its users to obtain copyrighted material without having to pay to their owners. The Pirate Bay always responded that their aim is to permit the transference of material from and to anyone, as they say: “sharing is caring”.
The answer to this question is quite unclear, as according to some copyright associations and some corporations, the answer is yes. However, as it is well stated on their webpage, The Pirate Bay is not responsible for the state or quality of the files downloaded, as they only provide magnets and torrents, and not actual content. Therefore, for example, they cannot be held accountable if your machine is infected by a virus originating from a downloading site, or if the movie you just downloaded is of poor quality.

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The Pirate Bay offers frequent dumps of its database at They are free and available to all those who want them. Thus, you can use this data for your own personal benefit, or contribute to the world by creating a mirror site of The Pirate Bay.
The Pirate Bay, also known as TPB, is an Internet based app that allows you to upload and download magnet links and torrent files. Torrents allow users to download files containing movies, songs, programs and books, among others via a P2P torrent client program.
Magnets are a URI schema that can be used to link to torrent files, and thus, they are smaller and easier to manage. Due to financial concerns and since 2011, The PirateBay only accepts torrents for those cases where the torrent is shared for no more than ten people. Otherwise, it only allows the use of magnets.
The Pirate Bay contains a huge variety of material, thus
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