Amazons Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 1080p

Amazons Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 1080p


Amazons Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 1080p

An epic from the dark ages about the legendary lost tribe of warrior women! The girls fly into danger, come up against fierce tribes, fall prey to sorcery, put to rest a family rivalry of centuries past and battle to victory!
If you enjoy cheesy sword and sorcery movies (in the vein of Deathstalker) then you will probably enjoy this one. It's about a pair of female warriors who are sent on a quest to retrieve a magic sword, which is the only thing that can defeat an evil wizard. Along the way they make sure to get naked a few times, and of course encounter some other women who also get naked. There's even a gratuitous sex scene thrown in for good measure. Add to this some really bad acting and poorly choreographed fight scenes, and you have all the elements of an enjoyably bad movie. I give it 7 out of 10.
This is a definite "so bad it's good" movie.The acting is nothing short of atrocious,the fight scenes are incredibly clumsy,the dialogue about equal to an Ed Wood movie and the facial expressions are priceless!That coupled with loads of pointless nude scenes featuring the super hot Xena-type warriors in the lead roles makes for a totally hilarious movie.


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