Alexander Tamil Pdf Download

Alexander Tamil Pdf Download


Alexander Tamil Pdf Download

'Alexander' traces the short, but adventurous life of the Macedonian conqueror, Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), who conquered almost the entire known world of his era. From his childhood as the son of King Philip, to acending the thrown at age 20 in 336 B.C. upon his father's murder, and starting in 334 B.C., Alexander crossed into Asia on his 11-year conquest of the known world. From his conquests of Egypt, to battles with the Persians and the capture of Babylon, operations near Maracanda and in Afghanistan, and pushing all the way to India where he reigned unchallenged before his sudden death at age 32. Though Alexander made use of the well-oiled army created by his father, he pushed the limits of Macedonian & Greek power to levels King Philip could not have dreamed of.
Historical, glamorous biopic (with mystical and religious elements) about the life of famous Macedonian ruler and conqueror Alexander, the Great (appr. 356-323 B.C.), mainly concentrating on his youth and his conquering of Persia and India. The son of Macedonian king Phillip II and his wife Olympias became king when he was 20 years old and died with 32, by this time having conquered 90% of the world as it was explored by the time he lived, ruling over parts of three continents and several countries.
First of all I would like to say this is an amazing movie! Oliver Stone succeeds to bring the Hellenic civilization back to life. People who say this movie is boring are so wrong!! This film has fascinated me from begin till end. Stone aims his eyes on nature, he films the sky/the woods a lot. The beautiful nature and cities (Babylon) are the best parts of this film. The two battles are certainly the best I have EVER seen! In the first battle is the eagle very cool, and the second, it is beautiful how fast the camera moves, till the Ucefallus-jump to that elephant! A Matrix Battle, but 2300 years ago... Emotional, this film is also GREAT! The conflicts between Alexander, his father and his mother, as watcher, you experience them all like you are in the room yourself! The nudity-scene is pure emotional and it shows us how it was, out there. Yes, Alexander the Great was g*y, but so what? What difference does it make? It was normal in that time, and I&#39;m glad that Oliver Stone faces that...<br/><br/>One of the Greatest ever! A Classic! Congratulations, Oliver Stone!
I was offered free admission to a special pre-release viewing of the film by a friend in Philadelphia. Otherwise, I would not have spent money for the tickets.<br/><br/>The film seemed to drag on a bit more than was needed. The characters are quite good in terms of being believable, and the cast is rather well filled with Hollywood&#39;s famous. I was a bit surprised by the level of graphical violence in the film, but this is a film about a warrior. There is also some homosexual/bisexual plot, but nothing too extreme.<br/><br/>If you are looking for a precise, accurate historical account of the time period of Alexander the Great, then this is not the best film to see. It gets a bit out of control with the time period and location sometimes going back and forth chronologically. Otherwise, it is maybe &quot;okay&quot; if you want to see a long film with lots of fighting.
The creators of Alexander set out to make an epic, and they can't be faulted for the many elements that succeed on this scale; what's unfortunate is that they don't quite deliver a camp classic.
It was &quot;Clash Of Arms&quot; by X-Ray Dog. Link: One has to differentiate between three official cuts of the movie. First of all there&#39;s the Theatrical Cut that runs approx. 175 minutes. and has been released to cinemas in November 2004.<br/><br/>In July 2005 a Director&#39;s Cut was put out on DVD that is shorter than the original version and runs approx. 167 minutes. Stone did not put in any new scenes, save for an extension of an already existing scene and a short insertion from Aristotle. However, he did change the movies structure; for example, the battle of Gaugamela is now seen earlier. Also, the movie is a bit more fast-paced since some scenes have been trimmed down and many dialogue details have been changed, something one most likely only notices if one knows both versions. A good example is Alexander being taught by Aristotle, as shown in the report.The Director&#39;s Cut is a bit clearer than the Theatrical Version, the structure is a bit more demanding and the opening is better designed. It is altogether better than the Theatrical Version but not obligatory if you already own it.<br/><br/>But Stone wasn&#39;t finished with his movie yet because later the so-called Final Cut was released, that runs approx. 214 minutes. The only true big extensions concerns Alexanders servant Bagaos. The homoerotic undertones were already in the Theatrical Version too much for many viewers. In the final Cut, we now get to know the servants name, he is noticed among many beautiful women by Alexander (much to Hephaistions regret), seemingly dances only for Alexander in India and even shares a bed with him. a5c7b9f00b

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