About me

About me

Mark Walker

 Hi, my name is Mark Walker, I am 36 years old, and am the senior editor at BestReviews.Tips and overseeing the smart home, cameras/photography, drones, and fitness/wearables categories. I am married, I've got two kids, my spouse and I have been married for ten years, and our kids are old enough to go to college.

I have found one more socket. I shoot movies about meals and put them on the package. I behave as I want, say and cook anything I want. From simple, to complicated recipes. I rent a studio at my own expense, buy equipment and food. You can pick a good technique thanks to the testimonials on the website https://bestreviews.tips/.  And I like it all. It's a little"my ". I love to share knowledge, I like to see that somebody could use my recipe. To this very day I am pleased with the job done and I am not likely to stop there. I'm driven by ideas and their implementation. Thank you for the time, occasionally I just really need to share information. Set goals and reach them. You can get everything in this lifetime, but you need to work for it. A good deal of work.


I used to work as an analyst. An analyst is, first of all, a researcher. His task is to look for answers to questions. This can be done in different ways. It is possible and necessary to communicate with people, to look at quantitative indicators and, as a result, to build the most objective picture of the world. If we move from lyrics to reality, we can distinguish several phases of the analyst's work:

When you are just beginning your career, the work of an analyst is, for the most part, to build reports. They can be done in special BI-systems, or in good old Excel or Google Tables.

The next phase is when the research already appears, and this is one of the most interesting phases. Of course, it also involves working with data, but you are already solving a specific business problem. Research can be quite different. It can be a study of user segments: we want to understand how they are different, how they are similar, and this can all be described by a set of indicators. Or research can be of the following kind: what can we optimize in business, which process is not perfect or where does the business spend the most money? And to answer these questions, an analyst comes to the aid.

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