Abduction Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

Abduction Full Movie Hd 1080p Download


Abduction Full Movie Hd 1080p Download


High school seniors Nathan and Karen find a website with photos of children who are missing or believed abducted. One of the photos is of Nathan as a child, putting into question the identities of the couple whom he's always called Mom and Dad. Contacting the site to learn more only results in Nathan becoming the target of an intense, high-tech, international manhunt. Before his "parents" can explain themselves, they are executed by hired guns, and Nathan is on the run with Karen in tow (who just happened to be there at the wrong time). Phone use by either of them only connects directly to a man claiming to be C.I.A., in whom they find reasons not to trust. With encroaching shootouts, car chases, hand-to-hand combat and explosions around them, this seems quite much for a mere case of child abduction, and Nathan can only rely on the wrestling, boxing and martial arts skills taught by his "dad" to protect both himself and Karen as they follow a lead to find Martin, Nathan's biological father, who can likely shed light on what all this is about.
High School Senior Nathan Harper has always knew he was different. From being an outcast at home, shy, and seeing psychologists for his nightmares how different can you get. When Nathan is and partnered with his crush, next door neighbor Karen on a school project and ends up finding his baby photo on a missing persons website, Nathan with all odds against him must pull out all stops to protect himself and Karen and to uncover the truth of who he really is!
I managed to convince my friends to watch this movie because I told them the trailer was killer. But, boy was I proved wrong. The movie was a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT<br/><br/>Sneak preview tickets are more expensive than normal movies. But I thought it was gonna be good so I paid for it. Only to end up watching a very bland, non-climactic movie with a very poorly written storyline. The only highlight of the show was seeing Taylor Lautner acting as a normal high school kid instead of a werewolf. But still, sad to say his acting had no charisma at all. His co-actress Lily Collins was no better, or maybe it was just her character that was so unlikeable, it made the whole movie really draggy. <br/><br/>First quarter of the movie was still fine, but then it started to get cheesy.... There were so many loopholes in the movie and it just feels like the script and plot were very poorly planned. I sense sloppy work there. I left the theatre feeling so bewildered. So you might say:&quot;it&#39;s just a movie.... not everything makes sense&quot; But comparing to big action-spy movie names like Bourne, Mission Impossible and Die Hard which have delivered an excellent movie experiences which leaves you at the edge of your seat, Abduction feels more like a chick-flick packed with more action, or maybe a budget action film. It&#39;s very subtle.<br/><br/>The parts I enjoyed in the movie was the presence of veterans like Sigourney Weaver, Mario Bello and my favourite, Jason Isaacs who plays Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films. They are always a joy to have and see in movies. <br/><br/>I wouldn&#39;t recommend watching this movie. Unless you just want to see Taylor Lautner, I would rather you give this show a miss. If you really want to go for it, don&#39;t get your hopes too high.
Abduction, the new Taylor Lautner thriller does absolutely nothing to impress. the &#39;hunky&#39; Taylor does nothing to lift this film from where it is, this film gives you the feeling that Taylor had been chosen for the lead (Nathan) because of his looks rather then his acting skills. it is probably his worst performance yet. At first, the film seems like a rip off from the Bourne identity but as it goes on and the twists are uncovered, that this high school kid, is suddenly on the run and is told that he cant trust anybody, not even the CIA in which he is in contact with. The story moves way to fast and doesn&#39;t give enough information to really enjoy this so called thriller. This movie is without question a letdown in all aspects. Terrible script, even worse acting. It is an all round bust.
Abduction is just the third movie John Singleton has directed in the past decade, and it contains neither the passion nor the competence of his two previous genre efforts - "2 Fast 2 Furious" and "Four Brothers."
Nathan Harper (<a href="/name/nm1210124/">Taylor Lautner</a>) finds a photo of himself on a website for missing persons, so he and his friend Karen Murphy (<a href="/name/nm2934314/">Lily Collins</a>) set out to uncover the truth about his life. Contacting the site to learn more about himself results in Nathan becoming the target of an intense international manhunt involving the CIA, his therapist Dr Geraldine &quot;Geri&quot; Bennett (<a href="/name/nm0000244/">Sigourney Weaver</a>), Serbian terrorists, and his real father Martin Price (<a href="/name/nm0000551/">Dermot Mulroney</a>). The script for the movie was based on a story idea by Jeremy Bell. The screenplay was written by American screenwriter and frontman for the rock band Stellastar Shawn Christensen. &quot;Come On, Get It&quot; by Lenny Kravitz. Hamilton Khaki Field Black Automatic Dial Watch a5c7b9f00b

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