AWORKER: Decentralized Workers platform

AWORKER: Decentralized Workers platform



Aworker is a blockchain platform for hiring. Aworker is planned to disturb the recruitment market, where volume in 2016 added up to 429 billion dollars. With the assistance of WORK tokens and Ethereum blockchain innovation, Aworker will enable individuals to find better occupations, and organizations to pick the most skilled representatives.

The platform of Aworker is creating a reliable as well as a decentralized solution for both companies and employees. It is going to do so through the use of smart contracts and Ethereum Blockchain. The solution that it is going to provide includes skill verification, market area, and an autonomous rating of reputation.

Aworker provides workers a chance to search for a job and earn money on the network of Ethereum Blockchain. Companies can also make use of this platform’s skill verification and decentralized rating system through the use of smart contracts.

Aworker has a goal to form an international ecosystem, which is decentralized provides help to companies in selecting the most appropriate candidates. It also aims to design a global, decentralized, easy, and trustworthy system for assessing and verifying the reputation of workers. Plus, it allows people to earn an income on the basis of their abilities and skills.

Moreover, the platform of Aworker has a goal to build a decentralized environment that will give employees a chance for their personal development as well as motivation. It also gives an opportunity to an employee to attain the highest level in the professional field. Furthermore, it wants people of the real world to take advantage of the Ethereum smart contracts.

Overall, the target of Aworker is to create a great environment for work. By doing this, they are going to provide opportunities that will check the professional competence of the candidate without involving reputational agencies or HR.

Aworker made to help:

People arrive positions faster and with favored conditions

The organization gets the best candidates and diminishes the cost per enroll.

Aworker uses Blockchain advancement to make:

P2P stage for personnel enrollment. With the vitality of savvy contracts, it is possible to change the standards of enlistment , When others propose hopefuls and all individuals from the essential stage get pay.

Structure reputation , Which will show ace capabilities.

WORK token coin authority.

WORK tokens related with employing agents in the organization. Associations should spend a WORK token to discover and get a delegate. The amount of tokens is obliged.

Associations will inspire applications to acquire and talk with hopefuls. HR boss will have the ability to influence opening, to use keen contract openings, and to investigate focus information about rivals in blockchain: what capacities are confirmed, aptitudes, wanders completed, et cetera. Blockchain will give more tried and true information about competitors, who are at present weak in firms .


There are some critical troubles in FFI in the enlistment and mission for new work process:

It is hard to acquire extraordinary delegates

On FFI challenges in looking over contenders

High charges for enrollment

Workers encounter issues discovering stable jobs

The organization uses data about people's master capacities to no end

This Aworker arrangement

We make decentralized and reliable answers for agents and associations in view of ethereum blockchain with keen contracts. Our answers contain work advertise, capacities confirmation and reputation autonomous rating. Agents find the opportunity to look for some kind of employment and benefit on their frameworks, capacities and master accomplishments. Associations get to decentralized Ranking and confirmed capacities through savvy contracts.

The inspiration driving this Aworker

To make a worldwide situation of decentralization for associations and workers, which will locate the best laborers and recommend buddies for the right empty positions.

To make a comprehensive decentralization game plan of laborer assessment and reputation for the entire world.

To make a clear and strong gadget to affirm reputation for different snaps.

To engage people to benefit on their capacities to have additional motivation for improvement («improve capable skills»).

To make a decentralized organic framework that will give additional specialists and motivation to advancement.

To enable a laborer to be the best in the master field.

To show the advantages of a keen contract Etherealum for this present reality.

There are four sorts of customers in Aworker:

Employees - people who work for an organization or discover an occupation. A specialist can respond to circumstances and join information about aptitudes, abilities or work contribution. Reliably, an agent can partake in decentralization of the Aworker Rank.

A worker - the most proactive and qualified customer of the application. She has more shown aptitudes and high reputation recommendations from delegates. Aworkers can recommend their partners to open openings, check delegate capacities and survey potential evaluations. The aworker reputation will depend upon the results.

HR managers - organization specialists who can enlighten about open openings, assessment perspectives and delegate examinations. The HR boss will have the ability to track Aworker work searchers in the application, talk with them, approach examinations and checked aptitudes.

Employer - specialist delegate front. One can get «manager» status consequent to being affirmed by three agents of the organization. The main will have the ability to choose for organization delegates (or diverse laborers), yet his/her voice will be the same as any aworker sound. Executives will similarly have the capacity to form audits about specialists.

How it capacities

The Aworker will have the ability to get pay for proposition each time he/she becomes acquainted with an occupation in the organization. The whole technique will be accessible to the laborer, and he/she will reliably have the ability to see the enrollment organize.

For this circumstance, the confident request process pushes toward getting to be P2P, when other framework customers scan for superior to normal probability for the organization and endorse them.


The reward between individuals from the enlistment methodology at Aworker is passed on:

half got the person who endorsed the best contender

20% got the best contenders the organization picked

10% got the people who recommended people who wanted the meeting

10% get people who need meet

10% got Aworker stage

Thusly, all the most qualified individuals get pay and aworkers who recommend them.

Remarkable Features

Aworkers with a high reputation (more than 30 centers) will approach particular working conditions with the organization. Honestly, a respectable aworker can empower associations to discover remote delegates.

The organization is enthusiastic about customers like, since they have confidence in the idea of their work:

They appreciate people;

They recommended hopefuls who had been selected;

They can separate and make conclusions about experts.

Associations will have the ability to work in two routes with known aworkers:

To make particular open doors with the best rewards only for aworkers with high reputation. This is germane for people hunting down a higher quality position.

To make an open door with a portion for the proposal. Exactly when rewards are paid not for a closed action, but instead for the recommendation itself. The accompanying charge rewards for the proposal will be not precisely for a closed position, however prizes will be guaranteed.

Decentralized Skill of Verification System

Using Verification Skills, agents will have the ability to:

· Receive a reward for their showed aptitudes.

· Increase their capacity as indicated by HR executives.

· To use the Building Decentralization Reputation that will affirm a man's honest to goodness aptitudes on a worldwide scale.

Aworker will make a clear check structure has legitimacy among the associations. It will be decentralized, boundless, clear, and will o ff er the once-over of delegate aptitudes proper for the movement.

What can be checked

A specialist can affirm two sorts of data:

aptitudes that exhibit the estimation of the laborer and in the end may hold any significance with the organization. For example, outside tongue data, pushed instructional classes, learning of master gadgets and programming vernaculars, et cetera. Aptitudes tests are driven using supporting reports (testaments, accounts, et cetera.) and the voice of the gathering.

Work comprehension and guideline. The organization a laborer used to work, and the endeavors he/she used to participate in determined. This is another chance to get the prize.

Case: Verification Skills

John incorporates information that he has «English: Upper-Intermediate» capacities. He associated an endorsement from an English school affirming this. He sends the capacities to check and spend the TOK OF WORK. The aworkers assemble confirms John's aptitudes in 14 days. John and the aworkers who affirmed the aptitudes recuperate the token WORK.

The condition is questionable

In case there are no less than 2 contender for a comparative opening having identical to the total proficient FFI coefficient figured with the eventual outcomes of the examination and aptitudes confirmed, a specialist with a strong reputation is favored. If there are no less than 2 contender for a comparative opening having the same productive FFI coefficient and a comparative level of reputation, the delegate with a prevalent evaluation of the results is favored. In case the coefficient of Total coe FFI, reputation level, and assessment happens are the same, the decision must be made by the sign holder.

Against blackmail system

We consider deception cases and develop an antifraud system. For security reasons, we can not reveal each one of the unobtrusive components of the structure, but instead there are a couple of contrasting options as far as possible false issues, for instance,

A specialist must show his/her record in the casual association and workplace;

Personality of an affirmed boss to affirm data to be investigated carefully. This individual must have three confirmations of organization specialists;

Blend with decentralization of the Civic character check instrument to diminish the threat of exploitative customer selection;

Customers with suspicious relational associations and occupation site pages will be discouraged until the point that the moment that data is affirmed;

Suspicious lead of each part (specialist or boss) will be checked by our structure.


Motivation to use Blockchain development

In choosing non-utilitarian essentials for the Aworker stage, we have made the conclusion that, for the achievement of the best results the stage should be decentralized, it must give straightforwardness in fundamental initiative, it ought to moreover be relentless and secure, postponed, versatile and should propel open approaches for customer motivation.

Blockchain advancement can execute these crucial principles, it was picked as the default stage for Aworker affirmation.

This stage should be decentralized.

The framework has no central manage, all Aworker stage center points are the same.

Straightforwardness in essential administration.

ICO: Token Sale

• Publish and sell WORK tokens will be done using the Ethereum smart contract.

• Participants who wish to support the Aworker project development will be able to send ETH to the address listed on the website or in the official FFI o group of projects.

• Currency received: ETH, BTC.

• Token team members will be blocked for 1 year on the Ethereum smart contract.

• The number of available tokens is limited (Hard Cap). If the token sale will reach this limit, the token release will be stopped. Hard Cap is equal to 24,770 ETH.

• Token Sale # 4 will last 31 days, if previously not achieved hard Cap.

• Tokens that will not be sold in token sales, will be automatically burned.

Token purchased at all stages, will be available to contributors through 2 weeks after the end of Token Sale

Visit the links below for more information:

Website :


Twitter : @aworkerio

Authored by Danny_yell:;u=1273420

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