AVP Alien Vs Predator 720p Torrent

AVP Alien Vs Predator 720p Torrent


AVP: Alien Vs. Predator 720p Torrent


Thousands of years ago, huntsmen (the predators) found planet earth. While there, they trained humans to build and were reverenced as Gods. Every century, these "Gods" would go back to Earth, and when they did, they expected a sacrifice. Humans were used as livestock to breed the vital prey (the aliens). The predators would now combat the prey to establish themselves creditable or to "carry the mark" of becoming adults. If the huntsmen (the predators) find themselves losing the battle, they would then self destruct in order to make sure that nothing survives. Billionaire Weyland thinks that he has exposed the remains of an early pyramid temple, that is a cross between the Egyptian and Aztec pyramids. It was hidden under the ice of Bouvetøya Island in the Antarctic Ocean. Now, what industrialist Charles Weyland and his comprised team of engineers and scientists didn't know was that the predators have set a trap for them. They have lured them to this remote location using a heat beam picked up by Weyland's satellite. This was done to make sure that the aliens had hosts to breed in. As the humans battle both predators and aliens, predators and aliens also have a battle of the species which will leave only one race standing.
Since the beginning of time, the Predators, the feared, hulking alien game hunters, have come to Earth for one simple reason: to engage in a coming of age ritual. To become "men," the teenage Predators have to hunt down a hive of Alien warriors and successfully defeat them and claim the skull as its trophy. However, during one hunting session, the easily aggravated Aliens fight back, leading to the destruction of the two species and the Aztec people who worshiped the Predators as Gods. Nearly two thousand years later, billionaire industrialist Charles Bishop Weyland rediscovers the pyramid, buried thousands of feet under the ice of Antarctica, with his satellites. Knowing that he has discovered something important, Weyland fixes up a team, led by Lex Woods, and heads down to the Antarctic to find the pyramid. But once they get there, the enslaved Queen Alien awakens from her sleep, which results in the production of new eggs and Facehuggers. And to make matters worse, the new hunting clan of teenage Predators, led by the brash and violent Celtic, have arrived, ready to hunt down both the Aliens and the humans within...
All right, this film is not the best, but it is enjoyable. It&#39;s a mixture of two great classics: Alien, with Sigourney Weaver and Predater with Arnold Schwarzenagger (I hope I spelled his name right). While this movie, which makes a great job of making the 2 races fighting and killing each other, it doesn&#39;t make it really a classic like the two movies I mentioned about. On the special effects side, the movie&#39;s visual effects were quite entertaining in the Antartica continent and the pyramid was enough to give a lot of shivers. However, while I was expecting a horror movie, I wasn&#39;t scared at all, so which is why I took a point off my review. So if you&#39;re a chicken, and you were wondering if this movie is good for you, let me remind you that it is NOT a horror movie. It&#39;s pure science-fiction.<br/><br/>On the acting side, some actors, like the character Sebastian or the character Weyland, were excellent. Where as Lex and a few others, they&#39;re supposed to do a job and I just hope that in the future films that they will be making, they will improve their job because I think most of the negative critics came from the point of view many of the young actors weren&#39;t convincing enough. Still, the job was still fairly well done. Since critics were generally negative (or mixed), I suggest you don&#39;t buy AVP: Alien vs. Preadator right away. Rent it first and then look forward to buy it. I know this might sound dumb, but I&#39;m possibly saving you 10$.<br/><br/>So, while not being the best movie ever made, AVP: Alien Vs. Predator is still worth a shot despite it&#39;s Razzie Nominations (possibly wins, I don&#39;t know) and negative reviews. Once you have free time, go rent this movie or when it&#39;s raining outside, watch this movie. As I said, it&#39;s not the best movie ever, but good for you if you liked it and if you didn&#39;t, then I guess 1 hour 40 minutes of your time did not kill you like many of the characters in this film.
Ah! So stupid, yet so sweeeet. Alien vs. Predator is ever-so-slightly better than I expected, though I wasn&#39;t expecting much. I enjoyed the film&#39;s pseudo-Aztec sets and cool creature action, though as I expected, the thinly drawn human characters pale beside the awesome monsters.<br/><br/>Much-reviled director Paul W.S. Anderson acquits himself pretty well here. He wisely shies away from CGI, relying instead on robotics and other mechanical special effects. (Apparently, 70% of the SFX are physical-cool!) He also paces the film pretty well, using the first hour to build up audience anticipation of the final rumble. I&#39;m glad that this unfolds like a proper horror movie and doesn&#39;t start with all-out action. The fights, when we finally get them, are pretty exciting, although Anderson employs too much fast cutting and murky photography-the twin plagues of the modern action film.<br/><br/>What really lets the side down is the aforementioned human cast, which pretty much stinks to a man (and woman). Henriksen&#39;s magnetic, gravelly voiced presence adds weight and class to an otherwise unknown and talentless group of actors. I&#39;ve heard positive comparisons between Sanaa Lathan&#39;s heroine Alexa Woods and Sigourney Weaver&#39;s classic character of Ellen Ripley, but since Ripley is both tougher and better acted, I can&#39;t say that I agree. Lathan is merely competent-nothing more-and she only looks good because she&#39;s playing against a cast of silly ethnic stereotypes.<br/><br/>I have mixed feelings about the setting, which is quite atmospheric but also very familiar and conservative. I&#39;m tired of watching Aliens stalk people through claustrophobic corridors; when are they going to cut loose in a city or jungle? That said, the arctic scenes are great, and I loved the abandoned town. I wish it featured more heavily in the action.<br/><br/>I note that most Internet reviewers are already gunning for this movie in a big way. Not really a shocker; science fiction fanboys are notoriously hard to please. I, for one, anticipated a total bomb, and was pleased to discover a two-and-a-half star guilty pleasure. Frankly, I always thought the whole concept of cramming Aliens and Predators into one movie was stupid. The Aliens belong to the world of Gothic horror, whereas the Predators were spawned in the action-adventure world of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Alien films are legitimate movie classics (minus number four), and the Predator films are silly (though enjoyable) action movies. It&#39;s a weird mix, and a sign that both franchises are desperately ailing (actually, Predator never was a franchise!). I certainly didn&#39;t anticipate that any movie based on such a gimmicky clash of &#39;titans&#39; would be better than this; by all rights, it should&#39;ve been worse. <br/><br/>* SPOILERS BELOW * <br/><br/>One final, quick note-isn&#39;t it just beautiful when one Alien houses two Predators? Naturally, I was rooting for the Aliens all along; they&#39;re like lions or tigers, while the Predators are the British guys with big hunting rifles. Who&#39;s got more natural skills? The Aliens. Without their technology to hide behind, the Predators have got nothing&#39;. Heh heh heh. That&#39;s the secret reason why I liked the movie, folks...Aliens kick butt!
Between the Predators' dripping their glow-in-the-dark green blood and the Aliens' getting their rubber cement mucous all over everything, this is certainly a very sticky movie, though not, ultimately, a very frightening or commanding one.
The Queen&#39;s goal in life is simple: lay eggs, gather hosts, make more aliens; not mate, feed, kill, repeat. The reason the Alien in Alien 3 kept killing everyone was that they were all a threat to it. a5c7b9f00b

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