
The new thoughts are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new tasks. We have the greatest instrument on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a gigantic base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is AMICORUM, a group sourced Blockchain-based companion peer biological community for ticket resale of music celebrations and shows the world over has arrived.


AMICORUM is a group sourced Blockchain-based associate companion environment for ticket resale of music celebrations and shows far and wide. AMICORUM.LIVE is a protected and straightforward preparing expense based blockchain biological community for the ticket resale industry along these lines wiping out exchange costs and false exchanges.

Albeit just AMI tokens will be utilized for execution of offer of any tickets — whether it's a purchase or offer. The purchasers will get installments in AMI tokens in their record and the venders will require AMI tokens to purchase the tickets. All ticket deals will be finished an indistinguishable day of the buy from the blockchain affirms exchanges inside minutes. This implies you don't need to sit tight for the installments to be sent from your bank to the ticket holder.

The tokens will be utilized as a part of the accompanying ways:

• For all settlements between the individuals from the biological system — ticket buy, resale, returns

• FASTTRACK-KYC component

• Internal installments to all sellers and workers

The blockchain environment will be utilized for the stage, its guests, purchasers and dealers and KYC setup.

Once the client has made the profile and confirmed by means of KYC, they will have the capacity to enroll their tickets available to be purchased. The ticket holder will transfer the tickets with the fundamental data — standardized tag (confirmed by the stage), their thought process in deal (motivation behind why they can't go to ask value (higher or lower than the real market rate) course of events available to be purchased of the ticket and discount strategy if appropriate.

The purchaser, who needs to purchase the ticket, sign in to the stage and scans for the occasion. The Re-Sale tickets will be shown in the underlying request of importance, cost and other data. The purchaser will go either make an offer to purchase the ticket at the cost recorded through the AMI tokens and once there are a few affirmations for that specific exchange on Etherscan, the ticket will be consequently named to the new purchaser. So basically, there is no outsider to deal with the trade.

AMICORUM (Latin word close to the centrality of Gathering of Friends) is a market of ethos-based bars and different partner buddy biological communities for the offer of show tickets and music. The environment will give 0 trade taking care of and 0 stage getting ready costs to enable music fans to buy and offer tickets.

In the midst of the second stage, AMICORUM.LIVE will organize re-sold ticket approval and offer security to the money spent to purchase this ticket and assurance regular participation for the social events included.

Undertaking REVIEWS

AMICORUM.LIVE will be a web blockchain biological community and application that will give trade taking care of/trade planning stages that are ensured, clear and "0" for the ticket bargains industry - thusly abstaining from trade costs, blackmail and empowering ticket buyers.


The dealer will list the tickets on the AMICORUM.LIVE stage

This stage will change the ticket charge to speak to AMI Token esteem

Purchasers will audit and affirm ticket buys in return for tokens

Exchanges affirmed through the system and exchange data are recorded in both Seller and Buyer accounts.

The merchant gets everything in his comparing wallet address with no derivations (in Token AMI)

The purchaser gets a ticket after the exchange is affirmed and enrolled in the square.

The stage computerizes all business forms related with posting, offering, exchanging, prizes and reclamation of celebration tickets or shows while conveying convenient deals stores.

All ticket deals will be finished on an indistinguishable day from the buy in light of the fact that the blockchain affirms the exchange inside minutes. This implies you don't need to sit tight for installments to be sent from the bank to the ticket holders.

Amicorum Project.Live ICO

Live ICO makes a completely decentralized stage and distributed system for exchanging tickets to celebrations and shows. The whole residential economy is based on AMI tokens, which are utilized to purchase/offer tickets. Amicorum is another stage for individuals who cherish music, theaters, presentations, and so forth

The stage is a digital currency condition that is being produced to make a solid network for music sweethearts. "Amicorum" originates from Latin and means gathering companions. It is a chain-based P2P framework that is intended to enable individuals to purchase and pitch tickets to music occasions and celebrations and also shows the world over.

Any individual who purchases tickets can do as such with an AMI token.

Master assessment of the task

Numerous specialists assert that this stage will turn into a protected and straightforward preparing framework that depends on blockchein innovation.

Along these lines, the experts of this undertaking need to wipe out exchange costs and false exchanges.

This organization has business esteem, which is extremely unique in each trade. Giving comfort to potential financial specialists is something encryption organizations can characterize on the planet, yet it gives clear and point by point subtle elements and in the meantime is a guide that decides if the organization is extremely focusing on future speculators - potential.

In the event that you are searching for a market as a place to arrange monetary forms, this is an answer you can take as one of the fundamental alternatives of a cryptographic exchanging market in view of the blockchain stage. It is outfitted with the most recent innovation of blockchain stage.

AMICORUM.LIVE Is one of the business cash markets and trade cryptography through a market majority rule government framework that has incredible advantages for investor benefits.

AMICORUM.LIVE here it has leeway that can be clarified superior to different markets as a place to exchange with cryptography.

AMICORUM.LIVE makes another exchanging stage in light of fruitful blockchain methods that exhibit the market and change the working of the budgetary biological community. This framework utilizes its stage partners to help the arrangement procedure on a few sorts of fantastic resources. Likewise, this stage additionally utilizes its own particular digital currency known as an exchange Token.

Designers plan to make a colossal focus on liquidity, which bolster the task of Token to help the proprietors of the tokens.

The objective of the stage

Turn into a pioneer in changing over an assortment of monetary resources with blockchain innovation. When you choose to join this transaction site, I am certain that because of the experience and inventive thoughts of the author, you can proceed to contribute and begin trades or trades that will without a doubt give you awesome benefits and advantages for you by and by.

The market for the resale of tickets

As indicated by an ongoing report, the market for optional tickets is continually developing, and this esteem will just increment in the period from 2016 to 2020. An ever increasing number of individuals go to shows, and their number is continually expanding. The normal development rate of the market is relied upon to be around 6.92%, because of which the business will be assessed at $ 24.55 billion every year by 2021.

When in doubt, the auxiliary ticket showcase is prominent in the accompanying territories: sports occasions, shows and celebrations, theaters, silver screen. As indicated by insights, in 2016 the resale showcase added up to $ 8.9 billion, and the most well known classification was sports.

Errands Of Amicorum.Live

Making a client account (merchant/purchaser);

KYC and other confirmation instruments;

The decentralized trade of tickets between the dealer and the purchaser;

Full security of data utilizing blockchain;

Plainly characterized conditions for the resale of tickets.

The advantages of the undertaking:

The most minimal costs on tickets;

The official site has a straightforward and instinctive interface, which can be managed in only a couple of minutes;

There is no Commission for venders, which will make the vast majority offer their tickets along these lines;

The stage is prepared to work intimately with numerous organizations in our region, which will permit to offer tickets speedier and on more positive terms for everybody; responsive organization, which is prepared whenever to encourage its clients.

The grouping of offer of tickets by means of Amicorum.Live:

After ID, the merchant distributes data about the ticket (show points of interest, subtle elements) and associates them to the wallets.

With the assistance of outsider API, the stage affirms responsibility for ticket and assists with ticket deals (the procedure is actualized on a brilliant contract).

Purchasing tickets has a few contrasts

A man ought to pick an occasion and a ticket, interface with the stage with a confirmed Identity and send a buy ask.

After the exchange of assets to the vender, the ticket is moved to the client's wallet, and is prepared to utilize.


Token Details

Token name: AMI.

Token price: 1 AMI = $ 0.5.

Standard: ERC20.


HARD CAP - $ 20 million USD

SOFT CAP - $ 5 million USD

Private Sale - March 1, 2018 - March 30, 2018 - bonus bonus 30%

PRE ICO - April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018 - 20% token bonus

Crowdsale - May 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 - Bonus Token 10%

Token Distribution

80%: Total Distribution of ICO - 40,000,000

15%: Reserved for Founder / Management - 7,500,000

2%: Reserved for Adviser - 1,000,000

3%: Own Marketing Objectives / Loyalty - 1,500,000





Muhammad Shakil: Counselor

Adrian Arora: Founder & Investor

Sam Kalra: Founder and Head of Investor Relations

Kanwar Arora: Head of Financial Analysis

Sang Hyeon: Community Manager - Korea

Damira Baigozha: Marketing & ICO SMM - SE - ASIA

Ali Zain: Development of Blockchain

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