bakul banyu



Afeli is an innovative 3D marketplace, integrating with the next generation social network. Afeli erases the boundaries between reality and virtual space, opening new opportunities for business and ordinary consumers. The platform can be used as a consumer or as a seller. Consumers (buyers) register on the platform and can use all services, sellers (business) can offer their goods and services through innovative mechanisms.

AFL-coin is a token based on the Ethereum platform of the ERC20 standard. Issue and circulation of tokens is regulated by a smart contract. Tokens can be used to pay for platform services, or to retain as an asset to receive dividends. After the ICO, the token can be profitable to sell on any crypto-exchange, the listing of which includes AFL.

Afeli solution

  1. Book a room in a particular hotel. You don't need to trust pictures and descriptions anymore. You can personally see how the room looks in the real life, walk on it, look into the bathroom and go out on the balcony.
  2. You can also play in a real casino, rather than a virtual one, talk to the dealer and even leave him some tips from the win.
  3. You can independently create any design in your apartment. Then you can immediately place an order for the selected furniture, wallpaper, ceramic tiles, etc. on the platform.

Main products of the Afeli platform

  1. Virtual fitting room. It gives the online store an advantage and distinguishes it from its competitors. It allows the customer making a complete impression of the garment and making sure that the goods are suitable for him in all respects.
  2. Marketplace. It allows the manufacturers of furniture, devices and accessories demonstrating the goods in 3D.
  3. Social network. The users are given the opportunities of such social networks as Facebook, but in addition, each participant has an interactive 3D avatar.
  4. Playground. It includes a number of gaming applications, both proprietary and third party, where the users can use their 3D avatar.

Read More on WHITEPAPER (click)


1 quarter of 2017

Start working on the 3D avatar project.

  2 quarter of 2017

Forming the Afeli platform concept.

3 quarter of 2017 

The Afeli team is formed, the prototype is tested.


Working on the platform and security systems.

1 quarter of 2018

Preparation for ICO.

April 2018

Pre ICO. 

Preparing the Afeli platform alpha version.

June 2018


July 2018

Token distribution, listing on stock exchanges.

August 2018

Launching the Afeli platform alpha version.

4 quarter of 2018

"As is" testing of the 3D platform.

1 quarter of 2019

2 quarter of 2019

Launching the "job search" service.

3 quarter of 2019

Integration of VR/IR glasses service.

1 quarter of 2020

Market entrance by concierge service.


It is planned to release a total of 10 million tokens. Their placement will be carried out on the Ethereum platform.

50% of profits received from Afeli services will be paid to holders of tokens as dividends. 

50% will be used to scale the platform.


Token can be purchased on the Pre ICO or on the ICO. At the stage of preliminary sale, the price will be lower, and additional bonuses are available. In order to participate in the Pre ICO or ICO, you must apply in a special form. AFL tokens can be purchased at crypto-exchange exchanges.

  1. PRE-ICO
  2. Start date: April 15, 2018 - May 15, 2018
  3. AEI token price: 0.001 ETH
  4. Bonus:
  5. - 1 week - 20% discount;
  6. - 2 week - 15 % discount;
  7. - 3 week - 10 % discount;
  8. - 4 week - 5 % discount.
  9. ICO
  10. Start date: June 15, 2018 - July 15, 2018
  11. AEI token price: 0.002 ETH

Soft cap: 1,000 ETH

Hard cap: 5,000 ETH

Tokens will be sent to customers within 10 days after the end of the ICO.

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