A very causal summary of words in animes (v2.0)

A very causal summary of words in animes (v2.0)


1ええと:thinking about how to answer.

2確か/確かに*(たしか):if I am not mistaken...; it is true that...

3あら:express Suprising and amazing feeling. used by female.

4ところで:to convert the topic.

5あれえ:express Suprising and amazing feeling.

6やっぱり/やはり:as expected, not suprisingly.

7とりあえず:choose this first; do this first.

8もう:already; more; right away.

9勿論*(もちろん):of course


11ちゃんと:perfectly; exactly

12是非*(ぜひ):unquestionably; definitely

13もうすぐ:soon; shortly


15さあ:here we go

16すまん:the less polite form of すみません

17もしかしたら:possibly, prehaps

18それで:(and) then

19つい:unintentionally, carelessly, by mistake

20そう言えば*(そういえば):by the way

21へえ:oh (be used to express surprise)

22それに:besides, moreover

23なければ:the abbreviation of なければならない

ないと:the abbreviation of ないといけない

24そろそろ:soonly, shortly, before long, slowly

25それじゃ:well, and then

26まあ:oh, just, all right, well

27楽しみです*(たのしみです)=楽しみにしている:looking forward to

28~ていっぱい:full of sth.

29きちんと:exactly, accurately, properly

30ただし:however, provided

31ずっと:always, right along, forever, far and away

32かしら/かな:i wonder

33それにしても:nevertheless, at any rate, even so


35しっかり:unwaveringly, steadfastly, firmly, fast

36なかなか:very, quite, pretty, not easily

37兎に角*(とにかく):anyways, in any case, at any rate

38流石*(さすが):that is great, very great

39なんだか:somehow (be used to express the uncertainty)

40折角*(せっかく):with considerable trouble or effort finally reach... 


41いやあ:いや (be used to express the dissatisfaction)

42参りました*(まいりました):(be used to express the confusion)

43早速*(さっそく):immediately, instantly, right away, fastly, hurry

44いかにも:really, real, so

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