A personal identity management solution for enhancing customer capabilities

A personal identity management solution for enhancing customer capabilities

bitcointalk username : Laut Merah

bitcointalk profil link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953653

A personal identity management solution for enhancing customer capabilities

A person is the identity management solution in accordance with the latest data protection rules. The scope of activities is to expand the capabilities of customers and provide them with control over their personal data, as well as the means to gain access to their personal data.

Using a person, users spend less time updating their data and service providers to access the latest version of customer data.

The people of the project seeks to make managing our identity on the Internet as simple as possible. The goal is to have a centralized implementation for several sites, so there is a check on their people to maintain their integrity. As in the chain of blocks, can not be captured or changed without a private key.

The identification process is checked with other users of the network in such a way that it is based on consensus, rather than determined by the central authority. Nodes are known as "notaries" and will account for most of the verification decisions.

Downloadable documents, such as copies of maps, are stored and encrypted in the form of a character's character string.

Unified identity management: using chain technology to manage identity without hassle. This is just you login then automatically the data will be distributed to all the websites that you used. and become a source of future web applications that you have not used until now.

Your personal information is yours: your real personal information is yours. and, of course, only you can have it de facto. Therefore. have access to services or devices. You must explicitly agree to share it. and as a party that you trust to share data, should take reasonable measures to protect the data.

Community: Your Digital Identification is based on cross-verification performed by several objects. Looking at your personal identity in the person of a notary you can get 90%, the remaining 10% on the basis of "Znayka" made by the partner company (the service provider you watched)

Your data is basic: a person trying to build a platform so that you can interact with the outside world can create your own Hello based on your personal data. Medical records, Fitness progress report, or your account on social networks. You can grant access to or deny access to your personal data, as you want, as the data owner.

With the capture of social networks, our Internet identity is more important than ever. Managing and protecting our identity on the Internet can be frustrating, especially if you are a victim of identity theft. The integrity of your presence in the network can damage your career and business if it has been tainted.

Data violations are a growing problem in the business world. For example, Equifax has more than 143 social security cards leaked due to exploitation in its network. This leak means that a large number of the US population will be prone to identity theft. Will you trust such a system?

According to the report, the banks in the United States are spending more than £ 40,000,000 annually to meet security requirements in order to avoid identity leakage. There are even some banks that spend up to £ 300,000,000 a year, and the results are not so impressive. Worse, it takes a long time to merge new customers due to the expansion of the procedure, and this has an increasingly negative impact on the experience of customers. As a result of this system is energized, potential customers will flock to competition for faster service.

as for the price of the token, the person himself = $ 0.2 with a total token amount as much as: 100,000,000 OPs, and the following general distribution for the person token:

  • 70 000 000 PRs will be allocated for TGE
  • 15 000 000 PRs will be distributed between teams and co-sponsors
  • 12 000 000 PRs will be allocated to the Fund for the startup project of the person
  • 1,000,000 PRs will be allocated to project consultants
  • 2 000 000 PRs will be allocated to the Bounty program

Additional Information
Site: https://Persona.im/

Technical document: https://Persona.im/Documents/Whitepaper-v1.PDF

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