A parent’s guide to kickstarting safe biking habits with a toddler bike helmet

A parent’s guide to kickstarting safe biking habits with a toddler bike helmet

Gary Walker
toddler bike helmet

Are you eager to teach your little one how to ride a bike, but worried about their safety? Look no further! In this post, we’ll be discussing the importance of toddler bike helmets and how they can kickstart safe biking habits for your child. With our helpful tips and tricks, you’ll feel confident in providing your child with the protection they need while enjoying the fun experience of learning to ride a bike. Let’s get started!

How to fit a toddler bike helmet

Most toddlers are ready to start riding a bike around the age of three. If your child is ready to start riding, it's important to make sure they're properly protected with a helmet. Here's how to fit a toddler bike helmet:

1. Position the helmet on your child's head so that the front edge is level with their eyebrows.

2. Fasten the straps of the helmet securely under your child's chin.

3. Adjust the side straps so that they fit snugly around your child's ears.

4. Have your child shake their head from side to side and up and down to make sure the helmet is secure and not going to slip off.

Tips for getting your toddler to wear a bike helmet

1. Start early: It's never too early to start teaching your child about the importance of wearing a bike helmet. As soon as they're old enough to start riding a bike, make sure they're wearing a helmet that fits properly.

2. Be a good role model: Children learn by example, so make sure you're always wearing a helmet when you ride your bike. This will help them understand that it's something that's important and necessary.

3. Make it fun: Try to make wearing a helmet fun for your child by letting them pick out their own helmet or decorate it with stickers. This will help them see it as something positive instead of a chore.

4. Be consistent: It's important to be consistent with your expectations around wearing a helmet. If you only sometimes require it, they'll quickly learn that they can get away with not wearing one when they don't want to.

5. Offer rewards: Offering small rewards for putting on their helmet can help incentivize them to wear it more often. This could be something like allowing them to pick out a treat after their ride or adding extra time to their playtime outside.


A parent’s guide to kickstarting safe biking habits with a toddler bike helmet is a great way to get your children into good cycling habits early on. Make sure you choose the right size and type of helmet, that it fits properly and that it is adjusted snugly for optimal protection. Introduce bike safety rules such as always wearing helmets and always looking both ways before crossing the street at an early age and model these behaviours yourself. With some patience and practice, your little ones will soon be enjoying hours of safe fun on their bikes!

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