
About BoutsPro:

Amateur karate is defined as a sport, and here the athletes must bear all the expenses associated with their practice and appearance. Then, as a karate professional has become a sport, and here, on the other hand, athletes have been rewarded for their performances in the tournament. Thanks to BoutsPro, ordinary athletes can turn into true professionals. Help from BoutsPro can be found by anyone, from beginners who are just learning professional.

Today, karate is very popular. The number of communities in which teachers, students, practitioners, academics participate more than 190 million worldwide.To unite all participants in one system, a strong management system fund that generates revenue from various sources, such as tournament sponsorships, event sponsors, participant registration, advertising, and so forth. It is necessary to meet funding requirements related to health insurance, athlete’s social security, staff salaries, fees for tournaments and events, as well as prize money and advertising.

Creep and block-chain technologies help solve problems related to payment and fund management industries. Blockchain technology will build trust management and simplify the currency, and therefore will enable to achieve transparency and efficiency at the technological level. It will be a system that will be able to manage the entire system, new technology, attract new companies, investors, sports sponsors of karate, who will benefit from mutual benefit. Thanks to Blockchain technology, it is possible to optimize global infrastructure to solve global problems in this space more efficiently than to assess the system to date.

Cryptographic money, for the most part known as an advanced resource, has turned into a worldwide marvel. The innovator of the primary cryptographic money, Satoshi Nakamto, intended to imagine something unique yet wound up developing the computerized cash. This shared electronic money framework has been presented in a few markets be that as it may, in any case un-known to many. Keeping in mind the end goal to influence these computerized money exchanges to work, one needs an installment connect with adjust, records and exchanges. This cash works freely from a national bank. Encryption systems are utilized which not just manage the age and stream of the cash yet in addition confirm the reserve exchange.

Progressed money related measures are utilized basically outside existing keeping money and regulatory foundations and are traded over the Internet. While these option, decentralized techniques for trade are at the start times of progress, they have the emerging potential to challenge existing frameworks of money and bits. As of December 2017 aggregate market capitalization of cryptographic sorts of money is more noticeable than 600 billion USD and record high reliably volume is more prominent than 500 billion USD.

The World Karate Sports Organization BoutsPro dispatches its own digital money. The association made a declaration in such manner was made on sixteenth of Feb 2018.

BoutsPro organization has been promoting Karate through various verticals. Ideal from syndicated communicate over numerous advancements. Boutspro has been quickly altering the environment of roughly 190 million hand to hand fighting group. It is changing novice competitions into experts over the world as per the guide intended for the following 4 years.

These days when running over to many ICO Whitepapers, and by far many out of them. While encountering of conceptualizing name mostly BoutsPro pulled in the most. Endlessly found that it makes them intrigue thought and vision which makes it not the same as other. I comprehended that can be tremendous constructive outcome on overall flourishing record of examiners.

Description of Problem

Karate as Sports is popular enough in the world. The community including Karate Students, Practitioner, and Teachers/Trainers & Academy staff is more than 190 million worldwide. To bring all together in a system will require a strong fund management systemwhich generate revenue from different sources (e.g. member/student registration, tournament sponsorship, event sponsorship, advertisement…) & fulfill the fund requirement to entire system involve by relevant methods (e.g staff salary, event & tournament expense, health insurance & welfare of athletes, prize money & advertisement). The art known as Karate comes from the teaching of the ancient masters who educate their pupil ‘the technique’ to strengthen their physical, mental & moral strength. Unlike other games (e.g cricket, football, tennis …) it can’t be auto driven by rules & students can start even without coach. Every karate player/student must require a trainer/teacher who guide the basics & shape them as per their physical & mental status.

Current Solution

BoutsPro along with the experience of Karate Legends, who already served karate and the world karate bodies, brings the solution with the help of block chain technology, crypto currency & smart contract. 190 million karate sports community, 60+ member countries having 480+ teams along with trainers & coaches can be manages through technology only. Now world has the right technology (IT, Block chain & the power of crypto currency) which is helping to reach the solution. Despite the visibility of the existing problems related to the payments and the worldwide fund management in the industry, for the past few years, the mechanisms of interaction of the community have not undergone significant changes. This indicates the need to introduce new technologies that will change the current situation. We have found such technologies can become the blockchain. Implementation of blockchain will allow trust management market & simplify the currency/fund management to achieve transparency and efficiency on the technological level. This will help to establish the system which can manage the whole system as well as the market requirements. Besides that, it will attract the attention of new companies and the investors/sponsors of the sports of karate which mutually benefits to one another. BoutsPro is launching its own “Bouts tokens” which can be used everywhere by the karate community, the viewers, online gamers & all the sports lovers/sponsors/advertisers.

BoutsPro ICO

BoutsPro is planning to launch it token sale on the global platform & make it available for all participants. Details of BoutsPro tokens are as below:

Token Name: BoutsPro

Ticker: BOUTS

Total Supply: 2,000,000,000

Hard Cap (ICO): 1,000,000,000

Minable: No

ICO Base Price: 9000 BOUTS/ETH

Smart Contract: Will be announced later

Currency Accepted: Ether

Standard gas price: 20 Gwei

Minimum Purchase: 0.1 ETH

Distribution of Tokens

+ 50% — ICO (Public Crowd Funding)

+ 25% — Community (# Available for Karate Community on ICO Base price)

+ 10% — Dev Fund (* Locked for 1 year in Smart Contract)

+ 5% — Rewards (Rewards & Support fund for players & trainers)

+ 3% — Bounty Campaign (Social Bounty, Bug Bounty, Translations, Give away & Airdrop)

+ 2% — Advisors

+ 5% — Reserve Fund (Future requirement or Backup)

6. Roadmap

Boutspro Team:

For more info:

WEBSITE: https://www.bouts.pro/

WHITEPAPER: https://www.bouts.pro/whitepaper/

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/boutspro

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/boutspro

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/bouts_pro

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/boutspro

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/BoutsPro

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3055902

PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=988093


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