kalo kata ira admi?

kalo kata ira admi?

still love uu, but can't be ur lover

sorry for everything.

sorry, u've been confused with my feelingss.

do i really like u back? yesss, sure. but idk like what.

u still? okee, no prblem. but sorry myb i can't reply with how u like me.

sorry for making u feel that i hve given hope to uu. but i dont mean to make u hope or anything, i jst want to be closer to u

once again, im sorry for everything, we can be adkel and kakel as usual, myb a little differentt

i say like this doesn't mean i want to stay away from u or that u stay away from me, noOoo

that's enough, i just wanted to say thats all

maaf kalo ada kata' yg buat kamu kesinggung atau ga enak dihati kamu, karna saya buat telegra nya tanpa sengaja. yg buat tangan saya bukan saya wrwr kidding' sekali lagi maaf kalo ada yg buat kamu kesinggung atau apa, kamu bisa koreksi saya sehabis baca ini yaaa. anw semangattt buat besok n seterusnyaa

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