9 Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 720p

9 Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 720p


9 Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 720p


A rag doll that awakens in a postapocalyptic future holds the key to humanity's salvation.
In a world destroyed in a war between man and machine, a hand-stitched doll with the number 9 written on its back comes to life. The world he has awakened in is frightening, but he quickly learns that he is not alone and that there are others like him, also with a single digit written on their back. The first one he encounters is 2 who tells him something of what happened to the world. 2 is also thrilled with the disk 9 is carrying, one with three unique symbols on the front. 9 soon learns that the disk and some of the other dolls who are prepared to die for the good of humankind may be the last hope for man's salvation.
At seeing the trailer for Shane Acker&#39;s new movie &quot;9&quot; on the internet..I was astounded. One of the most awesome trailers I&#39;d ever seen. I knew instantly that I wanted to see the movie. About a week after it came out, I went to go see it. It wasn&#39;t quite what I was expecting. I&#39;ll break it down for you guys: Plot: 9 creations are made by a scientist when the world is almost at its end. The scientist dies, and the creations are all that remains on the earth..except for roaming mechanical monstrosities that serve a mysterious master.<br/><br/>The plot was original. I don&#39;t care what anyone says. Yes, the post-apocalyptic theme has been done again and again, but never with little puppet-like protagonists. However, despite having a good concept, 9 has very quick pacing. So much so, that I was pretty surprised. There isn&#39;t very much build-up in the movie, mostly just hopping from scene to scene. Honestly though, this didn&#39;t bother or hinder the experience very much.<br/><br/>The score: The music is quite good. Definitely inspired by Tim Burton, since he&#39;s one of the producers. The main theme is done by Danny Elfman, so of course it&#39;s good:) The animation: AMAZING! Visually, very appealing movie. In certain parts of the movie, the animation get&#39;s pretty darn close to Pixar quality.<br/><br/>How does the movie make you feel?: 9 is a movie that tells of how people were too reliant on machines. It is also a movie about rebuilding. Like, what do you make out of a world that has nothing left in it? The theme definitely has a darker tone to it. Not really depressing, but just dark.<br/><br/>Recommend: I seriously don&#39;t know what audience to recommend this movie to. Adults and teens are the target audience. But, please carefully research this movie if you have kids that scare easily and are planning to take them.<br/><br/>Scare factor: There is a myriad of strange monsters in this movie. The main ones resemble a skeletal machine-like dog, a snake, and a flying bird with knives for a beak.When I lay it out like that..it doesn&#39;t sound very scary, but you need to seriously consider whether to show this movie to your kids or not. I actually don&#39;t think it would scare kids very much as long as they are at least 7 years old.<br/><br/>This movie has dead bodies, character death, some creepy monsters, dark and dank scenery..just use discretion:).<br/><br/>I&#39;ve heard some people complaining about this movie. They say things like &quot;it&#39;s too short!&quot;, &quot;the characters and story are boring!!&quot;, &quot;it&#39;s confusing!&quot;.<br/><br/>Too short this movie is not. It&#39;s one hour, nineteen minutes. Average movie length is hour and a half.<br/><br/>The characters are very simplistic and not much thought is given to developing their characters. However, you have to keep in mind that they are little burlap dolls. They have limited emotions. They don&#39;t act like people would because they aren&#39;t people.<br/><br/>As far as &quot;boring&quot; goes, this movie just about had my eyes glued to the screen. It just depends on what kind of person you are, and what interests you.<br/><br/>9 is a little on the confusing side..most notably at the end of the movie. It&#39;s one of those movies that is supposed to make you think, that is why not everything is spelled out.<br/><br/>9 was originally a short film by Shane Acker when he was still in college. The original &quot;9&quot; was only about 10 minutes long. If this is considered, you can see why the plot appears to be rushed in the new version of the movie. That&#39;s how it originally was, after all.<br/><br/>Overall: 9 is a movie with great computer graphics, good story, pleasant characters(almost refreshing with how simple they are), and some pretty cool action sequences. One of those particular scenes was practically genius. If your kid has a weird streak, they will probably enjoy this movie. Use discretion if your kids are really young or scare easily.<br/><br/>9 gets a decent 7/10 rating from me. Thanks for reading, and please go see the movie! The world needs more kick butt animated movies like this!
Wasn&#39;t at all what I expected. I took my kids to see this (Early Teens) &amp; it went down well with us all. <br/><br/>It is set in a post apocalyptic world where all organic life has been extinquished due to a war between man &amp; technology. Whats left are 9 little sack dolls created by a scientist during the last days of mankind, living in the rubble of a ruined city, trying to survive against the last of the hunting machines. A voice over explains that these sack people have the key to salvation of humanity.<br/><br/>The sack people were endearing when set against the violence of their situation. Brilliant action sequences come thick &amp; fast. But this leads to the films only problem - its sheer speed of plot makes it hard to follow its direction &amp; sometimes purpose.<br/><br/>Still this is a great movie. Atmospheric &amp; brilliantly animated. A surprising &amp; fantastic cast of voice actors. This is sure to become a cult film.<br/><br/>Caution: It&#39;s not gory or sexual but still might be a bit too much for younger children.
IF you ask me, Shane Acker's post-apocalyp tic animated film 9 is better than the live-ac tion flick "District 9." Beyond their similar titles, these sci-fi social commentaries are both expanded from shorts under the sponsorship of a world-class director.
9 is based on a 2005 computer-animated short film with the same name by American film-maker Shane Acker. The feature film&#39;s screenplay was written by Pamela Pettler based on Acker&#39;s story. The song played in the beginning of the trailer is &quot;The Captain&quot;, by The Knife. The song playing for the rest of the trailer is &quot;Welcome Home&quot; by Coheed and Cambria. a5c7b9f00b

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