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1 Alternative sources of energy like solar power, wind power, geothermal, biomass, hydro power, waste energy and so on, because these renewable energy sources are not polluting the environment and are helping us to reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere and to reduce climate 

2 Pros: It's clean; abundant, where there are bodies of water. Cons: Dams can create environmental concerns, and it is restricted to where there is water. Solar power uses cells to convert sunlight into electricity. Pros: Unlimited supply of sunlight and no pollution.

ответы н а 7 тему

1 The Best Examples of Alternative Energy Sources

1. Hydrogen Gas

Unlike other forms of natural gas, hydrogen is a completely clean burning fuel. Once produced, hydrogen gas cells emit only water vapor and warm air when in use.

The major issue with this form of alternative energy is that it is mostly derived from the use of natural gas and fossil fuels. As such, it could be argued that the emissions created to extract it counteract the benefits of its use.

2. Tidal Energy

While tidal energy uses the power of water to generate energy, much like with hydroelectric methods, its application actually has more in common with wind turbines in many cases.

Though it is a fairly new technology, its potential is enormous. A report produced in the United Kingdom estimated that tidal energy could meet as much as 20% of the UK’s current electricity demands.

The most common form of tidal energy generation is the use of Tidal Stream Generators. These use the kinetic energy of the ocean to power turbines, without producing the waste of fossil fuels or being as susceptible to the elements as other forms of alternative energy.

3. Biomass Energy

Biomass energy comes in a number of forms. Burning wood has been used for thousands of years to create heat, but more recent advancements have also seen waste, such as that in landfills, and alcohol products used for similar purposes.

Focusing on burning wood, the heat generated can be equivalent to that of a central heating system. Furthermore, the costs involved tend to be lower and the amount of carbon released by this kind of fuel falls below the amount released by fossil fuels.

4. Wind Energy

This form of energy generation has become increasingly popular in recent years. It o

ffers much the same benefits that many other alternative fuel sources do in that it makes use of a renewable source and generates no waste.

Current wind energy installations power roughly twenty million homes in the United States per year and that number is growing. Most states in the nation now have some form of wind energy set-up and investment into the technology continues to grow.

Unfortunately, this form of energy generation also presents challenges. Wind turbines restrict views and may be dangerous to some forms of wildlife.

5. Geothermal Power

At its most basic, geothermal power is about extracting energy from the ground around us. It is growing increasingly popular, with the sector as a whole experiencing five percent growth in 2015.

The World Bank currently estimates that around forty countries could meet most of their power demands using geothermal power.

6. Natural Gas

Natural gas sources have been in use for a number of decades, but it is through the progression of compression techniques that it is becoming a more viable alternative energy source. In particular, it is being used in cars to reduce carbon emissions.

Demand for this energy source has been increasing. In 2016, the lower 48 states of the United States reached record levels of demand and consumption.

Despite this, natural gas does come with some issues. The potential for contamination is larger than with other alternative fuel sources and natural gas still emits greenhouse gases, even if the amount is lower than with fossil fuels.

7. Biofuels

In contrast to biomass energy sources, biofuels make use of animal and plant life to create energy. In essence they are fuels that can be obtained from some form of organic matter.

They are renewable in cases where plants are used, as these can be regrown on a yearly basis. However, they do require dedicated machinery for extraction, which can contribute to increased emissions even if biofuels themselves don’t.

8. Wave Energy

Water again proves itself to be a valuable contributor to alternative energy fuel sources with wave energy converters. These hold an advantage over tidal energy sources because they can be placed in the ocean in various situations and locations.

Much like with tidal energy, the benefits come in the lack of waste produced. It is also more reliable than many other forms of alternative energy and has enormous potential when used properly.

Again, the cost of such systems is a major contributing factor to slow uptake. We also don’t yet have enough data to find out how wave energy converters affect natural ecosystems.

9. Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric methods actually are some of the earliest means of creating energy, though their use began to decline with the rise of fossil fuels. Despite this, they still account for approximately seven percent of the energy produced in the United States.

Hydroelectric energy carries with it a number of benefits. Not only is it a clean source of energy, which means it doesn’t create pollution and the myriad issues that arise from it, but it is also a renewable energy source.

10. Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is amongst the most abundant forms of alternative energy. It creates a number of direct benefits in terms of emissions and efficiency, while also boosting the economy by creating jobs in plant creation and operation.

Thirteen countries relied on nuclear power to produce at least a quarter of their electricity as of 2015 and there are currently 450 plants in operation throughout the world.

The drawback is that when something goes wrong with a nuclear power plant the potential for catastrophe exists. The situations in Chernobyl and Fukushima are examples of this.

11. Solar Power

When most people think of alternative energy sources they tend to use solar power as an example. The technology has evolved massively over the years and is now used for large-scale energy production and power generation for single homes.

A number of countries have introduced initiatives to promote the growth of solar power. The United Kingdom’s ‘Feed-in Tariff’ is one example, as is the United States’ ‘Solar Investment Tax Credit’.

This energy source is completely renewable and the costs of installation are outweighed by the money saved in energy bills from traditional suppliers. Nevertheless, solar cells are prone to deterioration over large periods of time and are not as effective in unideal weather conditions.

2 Important reason to develop and use more of alternative energy source is to control and reduce the pollution caused by burning of fossil fuel. ... So we have to find and use alternative sources of energy that do not cause global warming or other kinds of pollution.

Ответы на 6 тему

1 The issue of human reproductive cloning has recently received a great deal attention in public discourse. Bioethicists, policy makers, and the media have been quick to identify the key ethical issues involved in human reproductive cloning and to argue, almost unanimously, for an international ban on such attempts. Meanwhile, scientists have proceeded with extensive research agendas in the cloning of animals. Despite this research, there has been little public discussion of the ethical issues raised by animal cloning projects. Polling data show that the public is decidedly against the cloning of animals. To understand the public's reaction and fill the void of reasoned debate about the issue, we need to review the possible objections to animal cloning and assess the merits of the anti-animal cloning stance. Some objections to animal cloning (e.g., the impact of cloning on the population of unwanted animals) can be easily addressed, while others (e.g., the health of cloned animals) require more serious attention by the public and policy makers.

3 The genetic engineering of animals has increased significantly in recent years, and the use of this technology brings with it ethical issues, some of which relate to animal welfare — defined by the World Organisation for Animal Health as “the state of the animal…how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives” (1). These issues need to be considered by all stakeholders, including veterinarians, to ensure that all parties are aware of the ethical issues at stake and can make a valid contribution to the current debate regarding the creation and use of genetically engineered animals. In addition, it is important to try to reflect societal values within scientific practice and emerging technology, especially publicly funded efforts that aim to provide societal benefits, but that may be deemed ethically contentious. 

Genetic engineering technology has numerous applications involving companion, wild, and farm animals, and animal models used in scientific research. The majority of genetically engineered animals are still in the research phase, rather than actually in use for their intended applications, or commercially available.

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