Thank you for submitting your application to the Wal-Mart.com Affiliate Program. We appreciate your interest in our program.

Wal-Mart.com carefully reviews each application to our program. Unfortunately, we do not feel that your Web site meets the criteria we have established for acceptance. At this time Wal-Mart.com is looking for affiliates with high traffic sites that have the potential for high sales volume. In addition, Wal-Mart.com will not accept into its affiliate program sites that fit the following descriptions:

· Promote sexually explicit material

· Promote violence or hate toward any persons or groups

· Promote illegal activities

· Promote alcohol, tobacco, gambling/lottery in any way

· Promote the use of pyramid, ¿ponzi¿, or similar investment schemes

· Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age

· Contain, in our sole judgment, material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or harassing to us or any third party

· Are known as ¿blogging sites¿, defined as sites that contain only blogging and no other form of informational content

· Include ¿walmart¿, ¿wal-mart¿ or variations or misspellings thereof in their domain names

· Otherwise violate intellectual property rights of Wal-Mart.com, Wal-Mart Stores or its suppliers

· Disparage Walmart.com, Wal-Mart Stores or their suppliers

· Are under construction or not live at the time of application

· Require a username and password to access

· Are non-US based or are sites that primarily serve a non-US based audience

· Any other reason based on Wal-Mart's sole judgment.

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