71 Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie

71 Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie


'71 Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie


A young British soldier is accidentally abandoned by his unit following a terrifying riot on the streets of Belfast in 1971. Unable to tell friend from foe, the raw recruit must survive the night alone and find his way to safety through a disorienting, alien and deadly landscape.
In 1971, a young and disorientated British soldier is accidentally abandoned by his unit following a riot on the deadly streets of Belfast.
&#39;71 is a gripping film, from beginning to end. Jack O&#39;Connell has well and truly cemented himself as one of the most talented young actors around, with his performance captivating throughout. Never has walking around some streets felt so terrifying and suspenseful.<br/><br/>You find yourself holding your breath during many edge-of-your-seat moments, which is a credit to first-time director Yann Demange! &#39;71 also accurately transports you back to the 1970s, it looks and feels incredibly authentic, giving even American Hustle a run for its money in that department! I highly recommend this film to anyone with a lot of action movies and cinema in general - it&#39;s a fantastic film which deserves more attention!
The directing on this bloody, chaotic anatomy of The Troubles in Belfast is outstanding. Amid all the bombs, gunfire, and tear gas, and with most scenes shot at night, the focus remains sharp -- the story of a British soldier who becomes a fugitive behind Republican lines when his mate is shot dead during a riot and his unit leaves him behind. Jack O&#39;Connell (who is actually of Irish background) is fantastic as the fresh faced British recruit who encounters a succession of horrors in just one black night. Neither side emerges as more noble, or less violent, than the other. Richard Dormer is outstanding as the calculating but not unlikeable, double agent Eamon, who stays alive by switching his allegiance at exactly the right time. But all the actors show a human side - they are not just killing machines. The script is incredibly good, and the production design, editing and special effects are superb. The cinematography deserves special mention -- it is amazing. It never hits a wrong note, with perfect lighting and focus. The only quibble I have is with the scene where the Ulster boy promises to lead the soldier to safety - the boy&#39;s accent was so thick I couldn&#39;t understand it, but he was quite a good little actor and you caught his meaning by his actions.
Demange is a strong storyteller and masks the script’s tendency to nod to every opinion and social division by offering a masterclass in tension as soon as his dramatic bomb starts ticking.

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