7 Jaw-Dropping Benefits of Soundeed - A SoundCloud Clone

7 Jaw-Dropping Benefits of Soundeed - A SoundCloud Clone


Can anyone imagine their life without breathing? Same thing applies for music, too. Music serves a very important role in each and every person in this fast-moving world. Music has an ability to put a person in different mindset and comfort zone. It has the power to make you feel good.


The above saying by Pat Conroy beautifully explains the importance of music in one’s life.

The global music industry has come into light quickly since last few years. Today there are lot of opportunities available for the upcoming musicians, artists, composers and music lovers as well to bring their talent over the Internet. Now the consumers’ demand for online music streaming platforms like SoundCloud, Pandora, iHeartRadio, MixCloud, etc. is increasing drastically because of changing trends of on-demand music streaming. High pick demand of online music streaming from the huge consumers' group gives the hike to lot of entrepreneurs and start-ups, music firms and also music artists.

Soundeed - An Eloquent Audio Streaming Software

Soundeed is a feature-rich SoundCloud Clone developed by ClonesCloud that aims to create an audio streaming and sharing software similar to SoundCloud. It is a feature-rich of SoundCloud replica. Soundeed allows its users to upload, record, share the sounds with others. Moreover, it has 7 Jaw-Dropping benefits which you might not know about earlier. Let’s look into each benefit below:

1. Well Furnished Admin Panel:

Soundeed renders a rich set of features for the owner of the website in its admin panel such as:

  • High-end Content Management System.
  • Manage homepage slider.
  • Manage users, sub admin, membership plans, tracks, orders, playlists, albums and also abusive keywords.
  • Easy export order details with .CSV & .XLS files.
  • View user's login history.

2. Well Equipped User Side Features:

Soundeed lets you offer mind-blowing features to your user too, such as:

  • Login with social media like Facebook, Google Plus, etc.
  • User-friendly dashboard
  • Search for music tracks based on different entities like albums, artists, etc.
  • Quick Playing of tracks
  • Download and manage tracks,
  • Mark the track as featured and repost the track.
  • Easy Playlist creation
  • Social media sharing availability

3. SEO Friendly Scripts:

The script written while developing the Soundeed is totally SEO friendly script. Start-ups can get the benefit of ranking their website high in Google or any other search engines without more efforts and time.

4. Secure Payment Gateway:

Soundeed is integrated with secure PayPal Payment Gateway to let easy and quick transaction for its customers. This is required during availing premium services and membership plans. So one need not to worry about the money.

5. Responsive Design:

Soundeed interface endows highly responsive design to both user side as well as admin side. Users and admins can operate it easily from any device like mobile, tablet, laptop etc. with the same layout and feel. Rich UX in any device is one of the best part of SoundCloud Clone.

6. Single/Multi domain license support:

Any software with single domain license can be run on only single domain while on the other hand, multi domain licensed software can be run on multiple domains. The basic version of Soundeed comes loaded with Single domain license support. However, multi-domain license support is offered with its standard version supported with advanced features.

7. Custom SoundCloud Clone Script:

SoundCloud Clone Script provides you easy customization of features’ support if any business needs. Customized clone script will assure your online music business to achieve the target market and it also helps to build an online presence of any business. The customized audio streaming script will definitely support the branding of website.

Custom audio sharing script allows the business to go one step ahead from its competitors.

The benefits of Soundeed does not get end here, business who really want to bang the music industry can make million dollars with this meritorious audio streaming software.

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