Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology

Vol.49, Special : pp. 65-71, January 2006

ISSN 1516-8913 Printed in Brazil BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF



Influence of the Temperature, Pressure and Viscosity on the

oil Measurement with Turbine Type Measurers

Magalí Araújo Damasceno1*, Janaina Karla de Medeiros Penha1, Nivaldo Ferreira da Silva

Junior1, Raimundo Nonato B. Felipe1, Renata Carla Tavares dos Santos Felipe1 and Gilson

Gomes de Medeiros1,2

1Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte - CEFET-RN; Av. Sen. Salgado Filho, 1559;

Tirol; Natal - RN - Brasil. 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN/DEQ;Campus Universitário;

Natal - RN - Brasil


The flow measurement of liquids and gases is a necessity in many industrial applications. There is a great amount of

measurers for such purpose, as, for example, the coriolis, positive displacement and type turbine measurers. A

measurer sufficiently used for the oil flow measurement is the turbine type, because it uses the proper extracted

energy of the measured flow for its functioning, moreover is also used as standard for the calibration of other

measurers. For this reason, it is important to study the parameters that influence the measurement process for

turbine measurers. In Brazil, to measure the volume of oil, regardless the type of measurer, it is necessary to

observe “Portaria Conjunta Nº. 1”, of June 19, 2000, that approved the Technical Regulation of Measurement of

Oil and Natural Gas, establishing the minimum conditions and requirements for the systems of oil and natural gas

measurement, in order to get a measurement standard. As such, the present work has the objective of determining

parameters that influence in the measurement of oil volumes using turbine measurers.

Key words: Oil, measurement, turbine

* Author for correspondence


The oil is the main worldwide energy source and

the basic element for the modern industrial

society. From its extraction, the fluid is measured

to know the amount that each well and each field


The Brazilian norm “Portaria Conjunta Nº 1”

(ANP/INMETRO, 2000) approved the use of

several fluid measurers, such as the measurers type

positive displacement, coriolis and measurers type

turbines. Other types of measurers can be used,

since its use is duly authorized by the National

Agency of Oil - ANP.

Each one of these tools has its proper principle of

functioning and fields of application, determined

by the work conditions , which include: type of

fluid, temperature and other important factors.

Therefore, to get a true value of a measurement of

oil, it is necessary to know the involved

parameters in the process. The result of a

measurement can be evaluated by statistics

methods or through variation of the factors of

which this result depends on, with the objective to

guarantee the certainty in the measurement of the

produced and transferred volumes.

The turbine types of the industrial series are used

as the instrument of measurement for oil and its

Damasceno, M. A. et al.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology


derivatives and gases. There are several types of

turbines, depending on the positioning of axle of

the rotor in relation to the flow, as well as the

methods of measuring their rotations.

Some turbine types are purely mechanical and

others are equipped with sophisticated electronic

secondary elements. The measurer turbine is also

used as standard for the calibration of other


In this type of measurer, the exit of pulses is

convenient for the direct totaling of the flow. The

linear relation between the frequency and the flow

results in great range of measuring (Ribeiro,


The conventional measurer is a type of turbine that

is sufficiently used because the rotor is made with

longitudinal axle to the flow, integral bifool and

has approximately equal diameter to the one of the

tubing, as seen in the figure 1. It shows a great

performance and the highest precision, linearity

and repeatability, and is very much used for the

calibration of other measurers (Ribeiro, 1997).

The measurer consists basically of a rotor with

vanes that are put inside the perpendicular tubing

the flow. The fluid to be measured stimulates the

rotor and it makes it turn in a definite angular

speed. The rotational speed of the vanes is directly

proportional to the flow and can be detected by a

mechanical or electric sensor, which can get the

value of the flow from the passage of the blades of

the rotor of the turbine.

Figure 1 - Constituent parts of the conventional measurer

turbine type. From Ribeiro (1997).

The exit signal is practically linear, therefore each

pulse corresponds to one certain volume. The

number of pulses for unit of flow is called factor K

of the turbine. This factor varies according to the

flow intensity, the pressure and the operating


This work aims to analyze the parameters that

come to influence in the measurement of oil.

Three basic parameters of the measurers type

turbine were evaluated: firstly, the influence of the

temperature, which provides an error in case the

density is not corrected in the measurement

process and in case of bad distribution of the

temperature in the fluid; the second factor is the

influence of the viscosity, whose increase

provokes a reduction of factor K of the measurer;

and, finally, the influence of the pressure.


The methodology used in this work consisted in

the accomplishment of a bibliographical research

on the oil measurer turbine, the norms that

establish the measurement and correction, as well

as a simulation of data, in order to evaluate the

parameters that influence in the process of

measurement of oil.

The study was developed on the basis of the

standards established by the norms “Portaria

Conjunta Nº 1” (ANP/INMETRO, 2000), ISO

4267 (1988) and the “Resolução nº 06/70” (CNP,

1970), which aims to establish the reliability of

the procedures of flow measurement of the Oil by

turbine type measurers..

Influence of the temperature on the

correction of the measured volume of oil

The temperature of the measured liquid affects the

performance of the turbine, due to a mechanical

effect caused by the expansion or thermal

contraction of the box and the turbine, when the

operating temperature is different from the

temperature of calibration. The variation of the

temperature affects the physical properties of the

measured fluid, such as its vapor pressure, density

and viscosity.

The right measurement of the temperature is one

of the most important factors in the operations, in

view of that small variations can present great

errors because of bad distribution of the

temperature of the fluid, intervening the

Influence of the Temperature, Pressure and Viscosity on the oil Measurement

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology


conversion of the volumes of the products for the

temperature standard of 20 ºC, adopted as

temperature of reference for the measurement of

derivatives of the oil, in accordance with “Portaria

nº 27” (MIC, 1959).

Therefore, it is also necessary to measure the

temperature of the product and to correct the

volume at room temperature for the standard

temperature, as mentioned in the previous

paragraph. This correction uses a factor which is

obtained from the collecting of a representative

sample of the product, in view of the correction of

the thermal expansion among the temperature

reference and the temperature of measurement,

through the correction of the density of the oil

measured in the conditions of work to 20 ºC,

according the norm of the National Council of

Petroleum, “Resolução nº 06/70” (CNP, 1970).

The absence of correction of the density generates

an error in function of the temperature of the oil.

Therefore, the need for this correction for the

attainment of more accurate measured volumes is


For the simulation, a sample of oil with estimated

density of 0.7852 g/m3 (representative average

value) in the work condition was used, for the

volumes established in table 1. On the other hand,

for the determination of the influence of the

temperature in the correction of the measured

volume of oil, the temperatures of work were

considered in accordance with table 2.

Table 1 - Dimensions of the analyzed measurers.

Measurer specifications

Identification of the

measurer Nominal diameter of the tubing


Maximum flow


M1 25 2

M2 250 1200

M3 500 6000

Tabela 2 - Operation temperatures.

Temperatures (ºC)

Temperature 1 26

Temperature 2 28

Temperature 3 30

Temperature 4 32

Temperature 5 34

Temperature 6 36

Influence of viscosity on the correction of

the measured volume of oil

The value of a measurement made for a measurer

turbine is affected by changes in the viscosity of

the fluid to be measured. The viscosity of the

liquid is dependent on the temperature. Therefore,

with the increase of the temperature a reduction of

viscosity occurs and, consequently, the

performance of the turbine is modified.

The measurement of kinematics viscosity is

desirable when the operation occurs at a great

range of temperature or at very low flows, and

mainly when a great precision is desired.

The linear range of the measurer is one of the

more affected parameters by the variation of

viscosity, specially if the turbine presents parallel

blades. This variation depends on the type of the

rotor. For a kinematics viscosity above of 100 cSt,

the turbine does not present the linear region

(Ribeiro, 1997).

For the same pressure, the flow diminishes when

the fluid viscosity increases. For a given flow, an

increase of viscosity can present a reduction in the

factor K of the measurer.

Influence of the pressure on the correction

of the measured volume of oil

When the compressibility has a considerable

value, it is important to measure the pressure to

allow the correction of the measured flow.

The variation of the pressure causes changes in the

physical dimensions of the measurer due to

pressure made by the liquid, leading to an

Damasceno, M. A. et al.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology


expansion or contraction of the box measurer, as

established by the norm ISO 2715 (1980).

According to Ribeiro (1997), if the pressure of the

liquid approaches to its vapor pressure, the local

vaporization can happen soon behind the vanes of

the rotor. This provokes an artificial increase in the

speed of the fluid, which can drastically affect the

factor K.

The variation of the pressure in meter is

proportional to the square of the flow. To have a

constant entrance, a maximum flow is necessary,

in which the measuring turbine can be operated

with an acceptable margin of error. This happens

due to the effect caused by the cavitation in the

measurer, that is the boiling of the liquid

originated for the reduction in the pressure, instead

of the temperature rise.

It is important to remember that, for any

installation, the downstream turbine flow needs to

be kept to a minimum pressure to prevent a

variation in the calibration factor due the

cavitation. The minimum pressure after the turbine

is function of the vapor pressure of the liquid and

the presence of dissolved gases.







26 28 30 32 34 36

Temperature (ºC)

• V (m 3 )

Figure 2 - Variation of the measured volume by the M1 measurer due to the correction of the

density for the reference temperature, after one hour operation.










26 28 30 32 34 36

Temperature (ºC)

• V (m3)

Figure 3 - Variation of the measured volume by the M2 measurer due to the correction of the

density for the reference temperature, after one hour operation.

Influence of the Temperature, Pressure and Viscosity on the oil Measurement

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology








26 28 30 32 34 36

Temperature (ºC)

• V (m 3)

Figure 4 - Variation of the measured volume by the M3 measurer due to the correction of the

density for the reference temperature, after one hour operation.

Figure 5 - Influence of viscosity on the meter factor of the turbine (Faure Herman, 2004).


Influence of the temperature

The obtained results from the simulation of the

measured volumes of oil, according to the norm

“Portaria Conjunta Nº 01” (ANP/INMETRO,

2000), must be corrected to the reference

temperature (20 ºC).

Taking an oil sample with density of 0.7852 g/m3

(representative average value), it is observed that

the variation of volume, due to the correction in

function of the operation temperature, is linear, as

shown in Figures 2, 3 and 4, when the

measurement system is evaluated in the range

from 26 ºC to 36 ºC.

It can be stated that, if the density is not corrected

from the actual oil temperature to the reference

temperature, an error is generated, thus influencing

in the measurement of the oil volume. So, it can be

concluded that this correction is necessary to

obtain more accurate measured volumes.

Damasceno, M. A. et al.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology


Influence of the oil viscosity

Figure 5 shows the variation of the meter factor

(correction factor of the measurer) in function of

the flow, for different oil viscosities, when a 8”

diameter measurer is used (Faure Herman, 2004).

It can observed that, for a viscosity of 108 cSt

(blue curve), an substancial reduction in the meter

factor occurs reaching the flow of 2500 Bbl/h, and

that above this value the factor remains steady.

For an intermediate viscosity, as 49.2 cSt (green

curve), we can say that its result is not different

from the blue curve. The meter factor, even lower

than 108 cSt, also decreases up to 2000 Bbl/h,

remaining steady to higher flow values. For a

viscosity of 0.62 cSt (gray curve), the meter factor

practically remains steady.

Figure 6 shows the influence of viscosity in the

pressure drop (loss of load) of the turbine

measurer type. It can be observed that this drop

varies not linearly with viscosity. For the range of

viscosity from 0 to 100 cSt, the drop varied from

0.2 to 0.5 bar.








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Viscosity (cSt)

Loss of Load (bar)

Figure 6 - Pressure drop as function of viscosity. Adapted from Faure Herman (2004).


O estudo dos parâmetros, variabilidades e a forma

de apresentação dos resultados, proporcionaram

uma visão geral do desempenho do medidor

turbina, assim como a simulação de dados

contribuiu para a quantificação destes resultados

observados. Caracterizando-se as variabilidades

quanto ao desempenho do medidor, bem como

suas faixas de influências, é possível concretizar as

aplicações de medidores turbinas na indústria de

petróleo. A forma de apresentação dos resultados

irá permitir a comparação de desempenho de

medidores turbinas com outros medidores de


The study of the influence of the analyzed

parameters provided a general view about the

performance of the turbine measurer type. The

data simulation contributed for the quantification

of the results. The characterization of the

performance of the measurers in the face of the

variations in those parameters, as well as its ranges

of influence, made the applications of measurer

turbines in the oil industry possible.The

presentation of the results will allow the

comparison between the performance of turbine

and other flow measurers.


This work was undertaken as part of the research

project "Uncertainty of Measurement of Oil and

Natural Gas", included in the Rede de

Instrumentação e Controle (Rede 10/05). The

authors are grateful to the Finep, CNPq e

CENPES-Petrobras, for the financial support,

which was essential for its accomplishment.

Influence of the Temperature, Pressure and Viscosity on the oil Measurement

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology



A medição de fluxo em líquidos e gases é uma

necessidade em muitas aplicações industriais.

Existe uma grande quantidade de medidores para

tal finalidade, como, por exemplo, os medidores

de velocidade tipo turbina, deslocamento positivo

e coriolis. Um medidor bastante utilizado para a

medição de vazão de petróleo é o tipo turbina,

porque utiliza a própria energia extraída da vazão

medida para seu funcionamento. Além disso, é

também usado como padrão para a calibração de

outros medidores. Daí a importância de se estudar

os parâmetros que influenciam o processo de

medição por medidores tipo turbina. Para se medir

o volume de petróleo, independentemente do tipo

de medidor, é necessário observar o que determina

a Portaria Conjunta Nº. 1, de 19 de junho de 2000,

que aprovou o Regulamento Técnico de Medição

de Petróleo e Gás Natural, estabelecendo as

condições e requisitos mínimos para os sistemas

de medição de petróleo e gás natural, a fim de se

obter um padrão de medição. Com isso, este

trabalho visa determinar os parâmetros que

influenciam na medição de volumes de petróleo

utilizando medidores do tipo turbina.


ANP/INMETRO (2000), Portaria Conjunta n. 01.

Regulamento técnico da medição de petróleo e gás


CNP (1970), Resolução n. 06/70. Tabelas de correção

de volume do petróleo e derivados.

Delmée. G. J. (1982), Manual de medição de vazão.

São Paulo: Edgard Blücher.

Faure Herman (2004), HELIFLUTM TZN, the dedicated

turbine flowmeter for custody transfer measurement.

Disp. in: http://www.faureherman.com/download/


ISO 2715 (1980), Liquid Hydrocarbons - Volumetric

Measurement by Turbine Meter Systems.

ISO 4267 (1988), Petroleum and liquid petroleum

products - Calculation of oil quantities - Part 2:

Dynamic measurement.

Ministério da Indústria e Comércio (1959), Portaria

n. 27/59.

Ribeiro, M. A. (1997), Medição de vazão -

fundamentos e aplicações. Salvador: Tek

Treinamento & Consultoria.

Received: July 29, 2005;

Revised: September 05, 2005;

Accepted: November 22, 2005.




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