

a. How long have you felt like this?

b. What's the matter?

c. I feel absolutely terrible

d. for three days

e. i have throat a sore

f. what is the exactly problem?

g. Hmm, it's nothing to worry about

h. Can i have a look?

i. of course, but i haven't brushed my teeth since last night

j. go home and rest, you will feel better soon

1 - b / What's the matter?

2 - c / I feel absolutely terrible

3 - a / How long have you felt like this?

4 - d / for three days

5 - f / what is the exactly problem?

6 - e / i have throat a sore

7 - h / Can i have a look?

8 - i / of course, but i haven't brushed my teeth since last night

9 - g / Hmm, it's nothing to worry about

10 - j / go home and rest, you will feel better soon

3. how long have you had that caught?

5. she may arrive later today

a. Good morning. So what's (b) the matter?

b. i am worried (c) about Sam

a. Really, what's the (a) problem?

b. he hasn't (b) been to one of our team meetings several (b) months

a. Really? And has (a) he gave good reasons for this?

b. He says he has (c) had other projects to deal with.

a. well, that's true. He has had (b) a lot of extra work this month.

b. but he has (b) taken extra time off to do that

a. hmm, Has you spoken to him about this?

b. not for (b) the last meetings, no.

a. well, he might (b) just be overworked

b. or he may (b) not like our meetings

a. i'm sure that's not the case. would you like me to talk to him?

a. that would be great. i think he must (c) talk to you

b. Fine. i has (b) had a proper chat to him when (c) he got divorced

  1. to living
  2. used to speak
  3. i didn't use to go at an English school
  4. My parents used to ask me to translate for them
  5. dad never use to understand anyone in the shops
  6. and the spanish people used to stare
  7. we used to having a dog in Spain
  8. Did you used to have any pets?

2. i didn't use to have to get to work early

3. there used to be time for a break

4. we didn't used to eat our lunches at our desks

5. i didn't use to have headachees all the time

6. my children used to see me every day

7. i didn't use to spend most of the weekend working

8. i used to have time for myself

9. work didn't use to be my life

10. i used to sleep very well

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