There are only 60 vaquita porpoises left on earth!!! Phocoena sinus, otherwise known as the vaquita, is a rare species of porpoise that can be found in the northern part of the Gulf of California. 

Unfortunately, these ridiculously adorable creatures that only measure about five feet long are knocking on extinction’s door.

Why? Fishermen in the area use long gill nets to catch fish and shrimp, and the vaquita get tangled in them and drown. There are now only 60 left, and the Mexican government is doing its best to stave off this porpoise’s impending extinction. So far, they have implemented an emergency ban on gill nets (both illegal and legal) for the next two years and will utilize $70 million in funds to compensate fishermen who are impacted by the bans.

➖ @science ➖

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