6 Handy Tips for Kitchen Remodelling 

6 Handy Tips for Kitchen Remodelling 

The one rooms in our home that often sees the most wear and tear is the kitchen. If you have a kitchen that you often cook in, a kitchen that is close to the heart of a home, then it is also a kitchen that often sees splatters, oil and water spills, pots chipping some corner, grease accumulation and more signs of use and disuse. This is inevitable in a a busy kitchen and this is why we often need to remodel a kitchen before any other room.

Another reason for remodelling is the changing fashions. For instance, trends in cabinet handles India have changed many times in the last few years and those who like their space trendy, often tend to overhaul often. Whether it’s the latest trend or countering the effects of time, a kitchen remodel can be an overwhelming affair. So, it’s important that we do it right!

Here are some simple tips to help you out:

Go for unusual tiling

Most of us think of kitchen with the same boring rectangular tiles. But there is really no reason why it should be so! Today you have an unbelievable range to choose from. So, why stick to the usual boring design. Go for unusual patterns like a honeycomb pattern or look for digital tiles with an interesting design. You can even play with interesting materials like natural stone or glass! Try the classical herringbone pattern or the subway tiles.

The other option is to go for coloured tiles. White and off-white are the classics. But do not be afraid of experimenting with other choices like a glossy teal. Or dramatic black tiles with white cabinets. Deep red tiles can create an unusual and warm ambience.

Paint your cabinets

This is a pretty easy to do solution. Just paint your cabinet a big bold colour. You should think of the contrast here. Bold black or red tiles will go well with white. With a neutral shade in tiles, you have a greater space to experiment with colours. If you have laminates, see if you can replace them. Think of the colours you like — a warm sunny yellow or a sedate grey and maroon — and go for it. You may also have to change the cabinet handles India. Go for handles that go with the cabinet colour.

Think of unusual countertops

Given its surface area, the kitchen countertop often has as much of a visual impact as the tiles. We are all familiar with the usual countertops, including granite. This is always a popular choice because of its rich sheen, toughness and impermeability. But again, why go with the usual? Today we have incredible choices in countertops and these come in almost all kinds of material you can think of. From stainless steel (easy to clean and durable) to wood (classy) and stones like quartz — you will be spoiled for choices. Explore the market for different options before you settle on one choice.

Mix n match

Although design schools tell us to stick to a decor style, a true stylist never follows such rigid rules! So, mix and match your elements according to your unique design sensibilities. A gleaming golden brass faucet in an otherwise stark modern kitchen can be its own design focus. Or stark zinc handles in a colourful contemporary kitchen can bring a design relief. Go with your gut and you will find your own style.

Think of special needs

Kitchens are ultimately all about function. So, make it functional for the people who use it. Think of all the little details that can make life easy for you and your family. For instance, assign a low drawer for the kids’ crockery and cutlery so that they can take these out themselves. Create a message board where you can jot down your lists, create a little herb corner, if you are an avid baker, assign a baking shelf. This is where we personalise a kitchen!

Stack up the electronics

If space permits, think of creating a gadget corner. Stack up microwave, oven and food processor in one corner. You can also have a pull out drawer for the gadgets that will otherwise clutter the countertop, such as the juicer, toaster or hand mixer. Just ensure that you have heavy duty cabinet handles India to pull the heavy weight!

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