


happy mensive loveđź’‹

i remember the first time we met, u changed my perspective on a lot of things, n u've made me a better person. you're such a special person n i may not say it's enough but, u truly make me happy n deserve the world... always be uđź’—

aku udah gamau ngmng apa' lagi selain say thank u ke Tuhan karna udh kirim km buat aku, dan terimakasih ke kamu karna kamu udh sangat amat baik ke aku dan always treat me well maaf kalo aku masih banyak kurangnya dan masih sering ga ngertiin kamu. thank u for spending time w me, n making me feel worthy, those days ive spent w u by my side, i will always love and never forget, being w u brought my life. i know im not the one who first made u feel loved but i want to be the only one to make u feel loved soulfully to the care.

i love u ren<3

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