


There are always some things you can count on in life, and you've become one of them.

And sometimes I take that for granted. Sometimes I don't, but it becomes so natural you just don't realise it. I know you don't like change, and sometimes you ache for things to be the way it was before - where we used to meet everyday and spend hours with one another, where I used to treat you different and with more gestures of romance. And you've also made sure that list goes on...

But I feel and believe that this whole process of becoming natural, this - how should I put it, evolution? A relationship unfolding itself to reveal a bigger, better picture of how we live our lives co-dependent on one another. And whether it works.

So far it does. There are some unlucky people who realise they just don't fit with one another.

It has taken 5 years for us to finally find that stability, comfort and patience with one another. And I'm happy! Really, I am.

I don't know about you - because you sometimes long for what it used to be. But for me, I love where we are, and I look forward to the years ahead of us.

There are some hurdles we need to get through before we get to that future, but just know that I'll be holding your hand and walking it with you till our hairs turn grey, and till our skin grows wrinkly, but our eyes still hold the same damn sparkle we have for each other, ever since we met.

I love you sweetheart, and I'll look forward to the many years ahead with you.

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