In Expository style of writing, the author doesn’t express his opinions. But here the author has expressed his opinion, thus it is not an expository style of writing.

In narrative style of writing, a story/plot unravels. Thus, this is not narrative.

In Analytical style of writing, numbers and data are given and analyzed. Thus, it is not analytical.

In Descriptive, the author describes everything in great detail using the five senses. Thus, this is not descriptive.

In persuasive, the author tries to persuade or convince the reader of his point of view and supports his stand using data, studies, etc.

Statements like:

“Demonetisation may have been aimed at weeding out black money, but perpetuating dependency on the ₹2,000 note ignores an age-old heuristic for currency management that every denomination should be 2 to 2.5 times its preceding denomination.” are mentioned to persuade the reader for the author’s stand

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